How To Find Little Moments Of Relaxation In A Busy Schedule 

How To Find Little Moments Of Relaxation In A Busy Schedule 

Can you ever really relax? I don’t mean ‘you’ as in general people, I mean ‘you’ as in, you. Do you ever really get the chance to stop what you’re doing, even if it’s just for a few minutes, and relax, unwind, and stop worrying for a moment? No? If not, it’s time to change things because that’s bad for your physical and mental health, and you’ve got to make time for some relaxation, no matter how short that time ends up being. Something is always better than nothing. I learned that from experience.

The secret that most people don’t know is that you don’t need a lot of time to relax – you really can do it in those little moments between being busy if you understand what relaxation means to you and how to make the most of it, and with that in mind, here are some of the best ways to find little moments of relaxation in a busy schedule. Even if it’s while you’re in the bathroom. Read on to find out more.

Play Solitaire Or Other Games

When you’re in the middle of a busy day and need a quick mental reset, there’s something just perfect about playing games, something like solitaire – it’s the kind of game that lets you switch off (or switch gears) and focus on something else for a few minutes, which means you get to clear your mind before going back to whatever tasks were causing you to feel rather stressed. Even better is the fact that you don’t have to carry a pack of cards around with you to play your game; you can do it online, so as long as you’ve got your phone or you’re near a laptop, you can enjoy the stress-relief that comes with a fun, engaging game of solitaire if that’s your thing, or other apps if you prefer.

The reason solitaire is such a good choice is that it’s so simple; anyone can play. Even if you’ve never tried it before, within a few minutes you’ll know what to do and how to play, and you can dive right in without having to learn the rules of the game for hours at a time. No stress, no pressure, and good fun – that’s what relaxation is all about. I usually open a game app on my phone to de-stress and take my mind off of things whenever I feel like I need to.

Photo by cottonbro studio

Quick Meditation 

Another great way to find a little relaxation in a busy schedule is through meditation. And no, you might have the idea that you have to sit in silence for hours at a time to get the most out of meditation, that’s not actually the case (although if you happen to have hours to spare and you want to meditate for ages, then go ahead!). The reality is that a quick, two-minute (or so) meditation can work wonders to help calm your mind, refocus your thoughts, and reduce your stress, and by the time you’re finished, you should feel amazing – you might even feel as though you could take on the world (or at least those tasks you’ve been putting off)!

Just focusing on your breath for a few minutes can help lower your heart rate, clear your mind, and create a fantastically lovely sense of calm. Plus, meditation is incredibly easy to fit into your day because you can do it anywhere, even at your desk if you have to. If you’re new to meditation, you might want to try one of the many apps you can get just to help get you in the zone and learn about breathing, but they’re not mandatory, and you can go it alone if you prefer. Even just simply taking five long deep breaths in and out, with your eyes closed, can really make an impact. If you have to do this in the bathroom, while on the toilet, do it. Sometimes those are the only quiet moments you can get.

Drink Tea Or Coffee

Sometimes relaxation is as simple as making yourself a cup of your favourite tea or coffee and taking a few quiet moments to really enjoy it and savour the smell and taste of it. Why is this so great? Well, when was the last time you made yourself a drink and you weren’t in a rush or doing something for someone else? When was the last time you made yourself a drink without wishing it would all happen faster and running through your to-do list in your head? You might not even be able to remember.

Rather than rushing through your drink once it’s made because you’ve got other things to do or you’re doing them at the same time as drinking, take five minutes to really enjoy it instead – find somewhere comfy to sit, put your phone away, and just focus on the drink. When you’re able to do that, you can give your mind a chance to slow down, and that’s real self-care that can make a massive difference to your day and your health. Of course, if it’s after 2pm or so, it’s probably best to stick to caffeine-free drinks, just so you can sleep well when the time comes. Otherwise you’ll undo all your hard work when it comes to relaxation.

Remember that any amount of relaxation and taking your mind off of stress to give your body and mental health a break is really important. If you do find yourself with longer periods of time available, reading fiction books is always a really good way to relax too. I do this regularly, as it takes you away from the current situation. But definitely remember to do deep breathing, shift your focus, and relax.


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