New Year, New Posts, New Ideas


It’s a brand new year and I have decided that 2014 is going to be the year in which I really push myself, I wont go into details as I already explained it before, but part of that is going to be new ideas and new posts for my personal style blog as well as my usual regular ones. This is why I’m asking you! I would love to know what type of posts you would love to see on my blog, ones that I haven’t done yet or ones that I may have done once or twice, but you would love to see more of. I will of course be combining these new posts with my outfit posts, new purchases, things I’m up to and other ideas that I come up with myself. I sometimes feel like there is something missing from my blog and I would love for you to tell me what that is! What areas I can improve on and make better so you can enjoy my blog more. As I do run three different blogs, occasionally I hit a mental wall and I can’t think of things to do that are different, so please do comment and let me know! It would be incredibly helpful!

One of the ideas I did think about doing was a video interview! I could answer some questions in video format for you and that might make it a little bit more personal and different to the usual Q&A posts that I do in writing. Would you like that? And if you would, please feel free to leave me any questions in the comments below! In general though, I really want to keep growing my blog and branching out and all of this has been possible so far because of you, my readers, so if you could help me out in any way, I would be ever so grateful! This can be in the form of spreading the word about my blog by mouth to your friends, mentioning it on social media like Twitter/FaceBook and even linking to one of my posts you might like within your own blog, any help to keep my blog growing would be incredible! A lot of people don’t realise that even working on a blog 24/7 for almost 4 years (like I have been doing) isn’t the only way to make it grow, it’s mostly down to the readers, which is why I would love any help from you if you like my blog and think it’s worth sharing. Thanks so much everyone and I look forward to reading your comments! Lorna xx.

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    • Lorna
      January 19, 2014 / 10:06 pm

      Thanks Kiri! Do you have any other suggestions?

  1. Kory
    January 19, 2014 / 11:20 pm

    sound so cool Lou
    i have an idea – if you could add a button for accessories
    include – 3 sections inside of it
    1 your accessories
    2 your accessories shops
    3 your accessories wish list
    and im really like the new idea about the video interview! that you could answer some questions in video format ,
    sound really cool ! and i wish you a v.good luck through the best of ur life time ///
    Lou i feel your words deeply
    and i think that this while at ur life ” is so important to you” !
    it’s like you’r engraving every step , every moment & every action you take ….
    i see you more powerful , getting close to the top of the highest mountain
    that you’d been climbing for the whole passed years
    hope you remm me when u get there …
    cause im ur perfect fan

  2. ali
    January 20, 2014 / 1:21 am

    Lorna you look really sweet and cute, and I have to say it, “bang on trend” lol x

    • Lorna
      January 20, 2014 / 2:00 am

      Lol, thanks ali!

  3. January 20, 2014 / 2:15 am

    maybe a post once in awhile like emily of cupcakes and cashmere’s “5 things” where you post pictures of things that are currently making you happy! i love doing that. it helps me reflect.

    apartment pants

    • Lorna
      January 20, 2014 / 2:12 pm

      That could be cool, I would probably do it a little differently though to Emily as I wouldn’t want to copy, but that might be nice!

  4. Karsten
    January 20, 2014 / 2:45 am

    From a strictly personal point of view, I would wish for you to find a way to overcome your fear of flying.
    Some people say that the greatest journeys are those that take place in our minds. And if you could somehow reach that destination in your mental journey; then you’d be ready to actually travel out and explore, experience, and conquer the world that you’ve given so much and share so much with – You deserve it so much, dearest Lorna.

    As to your blog: I’m basically happy with it as it is. You’ve carved a very personal and unique niche for yourself in the world of fashion blogging. You are modelling and writing about clothes/outfits that you actually like, and you have this thoughtful, but still down-to-earth, way of writing that gives this intimate feel and sense of community which is so rare in the world of fashion-blogging. Maybe a word of caution, though, about your video-interview idea: How much more intimate do you want your blog to be ? Do you actually want to share more private stuff in your blog ? Shall your internet persona take you over in real life, or will it be the other way around; or do you want to keep those two separated from each other ?

    And if you have doubts about the merits of your blog, then don’t ever be insecure. Be yourself ! Trust your gut-feeling. Let your passion for fashion transform you to the icon you already are about to become.

    • Lorna
      January 20, 2014 / 2:18 pm

      I would very much like to get over my fear of flying too! I definitely plan on doing so this year, I think I am going to take a trip to Edingburgh as it’s only an hour and it’s still within the same country, that way if I can’t handle the flight back then I can still at least get a train home or something and everyone still speaks English. But I’m hoping it will be smooth sailing!

      I’m glad you like my blog though, it’s always really nice to hear! In terms of being more personal, I didn’t mean telling the world about my personal problems or anything like that, I meant make it more personal as in talking on a video is a more personal way that people can relate to you than just words on a screen. I guess maybe I meant make it more intimate? As it is, I don’t have an internet persona or a life persona, I am actually who I am, so everything you read and see here is exactly me in real life, there’s not really anything separate. Of course I would still keep private time for myself, but I thought that maybe people could relate to me a little better with videos? That would be something to overcome too as they scare me so much!

  5. Harry
    January 20, 2014 / 8:55 am

    Haven’t been following properly – so maybe you’ve done this already – but you could try and throw in a post about whatever else is going on in the world that interests you (other than fashion). Of course another option here is to keep a different blog dedicated to other subjects – but I don’t think people would mind seeing it here, as long as you kept up the occasional outfit posts (rather than change tack entirely)

    It’s never a bad thing just to try and find new words to express the muddled thoughts in our heads about everything

    • Lorna
      January 20, 2014 / 2:13 pm

      I actually have another blog already for that purpose 🙂 It’s where I post about general fashion. When you say post about things that aren’t fashion related though, do you mean from my life? 🙂

      • Harry
        January 21, 2014 / 11:45 pm

        No, not really – though some do, you’d probs want to stay anon for that.

        I suddenly got into politics when my son was born – everything suddenly matters a lot more! – so I wrote a bit about that. But anything: art, writing, films, or whatever is going on around us.

        I suppose I’m trying to “think like a writer” & writers need to observe things. (I have a blog somewhere, with all sorts of stuff on it – real mix of things)

        Will pop along to see the other blog 🙂

        • Lorna
          January 21, 2014 / 11:46 pm

          I’m already planning on doing some posts as suggested about things that inspire me, so maybe I can include some things like that in it 🙂

    • Lorna
      January 20, 2014 / 5:33 pm

      Thanks! I do love Captain America!

    • Lorna
      January 20, 2014 / 6:14 pm

      Thanks Kristi!

    • Lorna
      January 20, 2014 / 6:52 pm

      Thanks! I followed you back 🙂

  6. January 20, 2014 / 6:57 pm

    Videos about the bloggers are definitely my favorite type of posts so those video interviews would be very much appreciated. 🙂
    I think it would also be awesome if you did once in a while videos about your outfits. Like, short videos where we could see the clothes, accessories, makeup and all those details.

    • Lorna
      January 20, 2014 / 7:55 pm

      That was something I used to do actually 🙂 But it took forever to edit the videos and piece everything together and made my blog posts take about 4 hours to do, so it became a huge hassle. I might be able to do it for certain outfit posts I think are my better ones though!

  7. Adam
    February 6, 2014 / 8:43 pm

    Cool hat! And the videos could be a good idea 🙂

    • Lorna
      February 6, 2014 / 9:00 pm

      I’m planning one for my blogs 4th birthday in March 🙂

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