Classics & Florals Down By The River


Black tuxedo skinny jeans with a floral shirt and white blazer…

I hope all of you are doing well! I’m really excited that it’s supposed to be warming up this weekend which means I might not actually be freezing my butt off while doing an outfit shoot! We were scouting around for some new locations for this one and we found this gorgeous lock area down by the river. A boat was actually coming through the lock at the time though, so we had to wait for that to pass through. It really is such a beautiful setting!

I was wearing this gorgeous floral silky top from Ted Baker which I paired with these AG Contour Tuxedo Black Jeans, both of which I chose from Repertoire to style together. As it’s colder though, I had to layer my Zara White Blazer on top, to give some warmth and structure to the look. I finally paired the pieces with my Topshop Black Gabbi Heels and my Cambridge Satchel Red Push Lock Bag. I felt adding the red to my outfit just gave it a bit of a colour pop which it was lacking with the muted black and white tones and water colour shades of the flowers. It’s definitely more of a classic look, but one that I think works for anytime of the day with the floral patterns on the shirt. I would love to know what you fashion bloggers and readers think of it? Comment and let me know!


(Jeans – Exact & Similar, Top – Exact & Similar, Jacket – Similar, Shoes – Similar, Bag – Exact)


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Written by Lorna Burford


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  1. David
    March 5, 2015 / 3:37 pm

    So nice!! 🙂 can you make a answer box in your poll just for me? 🙂 could be like “Hell YES!” 🙂

    • Lorna
      March 5, 2015 / 3:38 pm

      Lol, I think the yes one that’s there is good enough 🙂 And thank you!

  2. domoo
    March 5, 2015 / 6:29 pm

    cute and soooo hoooot in this jeans!!

    • Lorna
      March 5, 2015 / 6:42 pm

      Thank you!

  3. Steven W
    March 5, 2015 / 6:50 pm

    Oh, I’d not heard that there’s better weather on the way. I hope some of it comes to my part of the country. 🙂

    Lovely outfit and another great location too.

    I’m probably reading stuff into your photos that’s not intentionally there but your snowy white blazer could represent the last gasps of winter and your floral top could represents the beginning of spring with the first flowers breaking through the snow. 🙂

    • Lorna
      March 5, 2015 / 6:54 pm

      Ha ha, it could if you think about it that way! Maybe that might be why I subconsciously chose it! What’s your part of the country?

      • Steven W
        March 5, 2015 / 7:58 pm

        I’m in Lincoln. I’ve lived in Lincolnshire since 1998 and lived in the city of Lincoln itself since 2000. It’s nice… All the facilities of a city and it’s surrounded by countryside so it’s the best of both worlds. 🙂

        • Lorna
          March 5, 2015 / 9:00 pm

          Oh that is the best of both worlds for sure! 🙂

  4. Davis
    March 5, 2015 / 6:52 pm

    You’re so stunning! The blazer is perfect and you always find the perfect fitting jeans! You’re Such a wonderful person!

    • Lorna
      March 5, 2015 / 6:55 pm

      Thank you Davis!

    • Lorna
      March 5, 2015 / 7:03 pm

      Thank you Jeanne!

    • Lorna
      March 5, 2015 / 8:59 pm

      Thank you!

    • Lorna
      March 5, 2015 / 10:03 pm

      Thank you 🙂

  5. Jessica
    March 5, 2015 / 9:26 pm

    Babe you look stunning 🙂 I love that blazer as you know, but the top is really pretty too. Great choice 🙂

    • Lorna
      March 5, 2015 / 10:03 pm

      Thank you so much 🙂 Glad you like it 🙂

  6. Kim
    March 5, 2015 / 11:00 pm

    You look lovely Lorna. I love the colouring of your top which subtly compliments the light and dark of your blazer and skinnies. Your red bag then adds brightness and fun.

    Glad to hear you’ve got nice weather coming. Up here, looks like wind and rain. Still, weekend is the weekend! 🙂 xx

    • Lorna
      March 5, 2015 / 11:17 pm

      Thank you so much Kim 🙂 Yeah, I’m really hoping it is actually nice for a change, ha ha!

    • Lorna
      March 5, 2015 / 11:17 pm

      Thank you so much!

  7. ali
    March 5, 2015 / 11:39 pm

    Love it Lorna, you alwaysmake clothes look so nice and easy to wear, thankyou for an amazing blog xx

    • Lorna
      March 6, 2015 / 12:56 am

      Thank you so much ali! That’s really kind of you!

  8. March 6, 2015 / 12:59 am

    Beautiful top, Ted Baker designs are so much fun and full of colour!

    • Lorna
      March 6, 2015 / 1:00 am

      Thank you! Yeah, that’s what I love them for! They have some great prints!

      • March 6, 2015 / 1:09 am

        There is a Ted Baker store I always stop in at when I go shopping in the States. I always see so much gorgeous stuff but for some reason I never seem to grab anything. Perhaps it is because it is the first stop on my shopping trip. I think next time I need to come out with a bag full of something. Seriously beautiful designs.

        • Lorna
          March 6, 2015 / 2:20 am

          The reason for me why I don’t own many is because it’s quite expensive, so I’m only tempted to buy their stuff on sale or with a discount code, ha ha!

          • March 6, 2015 / 2:45 am

            Yeah i totally agree, i think that is what stops me too!

            • Lorna
              March 6, 2015 / 11:28 am

              Yeah, hopefully they have some great sale pieces!

  9. Davis
    March 6, 2015 / 2:01 am


    • Lorna
      March 6, 2015 / 2:20 am

      The jeans?

      • Davis
        March 7, 2015 / 3:58 pm

        No, i don’t actually love these jeans a much as others you have…. just you!

        • Lorna
          March 7, 2015 / 9:56 pm

          Lol oh, I thought you meant the jeans. Thank you!

  10. Jenny
    March 6, 2015 / 2:24 am

    I can’t wait to see how you style these jeans again hun xx They fit you really well xx

    • Lorna
      March 6, 2015 / 2:33 am

      Thank you! Yeah, they are really nice jeans actually, I like the tuxedo detailing!

    • Lorna
      March 6, 2015 / 11:39 am

      Thank you 🙂

    • Lorna
      March 6, 2015 / 12:47 pm

      Thank you!

    • Lorna
      March 6, 2015 / 4:17 pm

      Thank you Abby 🙂

  11. Omar bushnif
    March 6, 2015 / 4:41 pm

    You beautiful,I very happy nice to meet you

    • Lorna
      March 6, 2015 / 9:04 pm

      Thank you so much!

    • Lorna
      March 7, 2015 / 9:54 pm

      Thank you!

    • Lorna
      March 7, 2015 / 9:57 pm

      Thank you so much!

    • Lorna
      March 7, 2015 / 9:55 pm

      Thank you so much Mira 🙂

  12. David
    March 7, 2015 / 2:01 pm

    Love your ass!! 🙂

    • Lorna
      March 7, 2015 / 9:56 pm

      Lol, thanks David 🙂

    • Lorna
      March 7, 2015 / 9:56 pm

      Thank you so much!

  13. mustafa
    September 14, 2015 / 4:12 pm

    very nice

    • Lorna
      September 14, 2015 / 5:08 pm

      Thank you!

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