Pottery Painting For My Birthday Weekend


Pottery Painting For My Birthday Celebrations

Those of you who read my blog quite frequently will know that I celebrated my 27th birthday (I know, I don’t look 27, lol!) on the 3rd August and I promised that I would share my day with you. I hadn’t forgotten, but my schedule has been incredibly busy lately and you might even notice that my layout has been spruced up to now feature a slider too! I love how it looks! But anyway, better a bit late than never!

I wanted to do something different and fun for my birthday and as I’m not really a party person, I like to keep things low key and fun, so what could have been more ideal than pottery painting? Adam found a place here in Bath called Crockadoodledoo and you get to paint your own pottery pieces however you want. You pay £5 for the studio use which includes the paints, firing and glazing and then you pay per piece you choose. I opted for the cat money box and a butterfly, while Adam chose an owl and a rocket money box. It kind of took me back to my childhood actually and I loved every moment of it! I used to take pottery classes when I was younger and made a lot of bowls, mugs, plates, sculptures etc, but I didn’t need to make these pieces, just paint them!

As this was something just Adam and I did together, my birthday celebrations kind of lasted the whole weekend as I was doing different things with different people, so all in all, it was great! You can see more photos from my whole birthday including the painting, the meals out, my gifts and more in this post, so I really hope you enjoy it! If you ever get the chance to do pottery painting, I definitely recommend it!



So this was what it was like while painting our pottery in Crockadoodledoo. There was a choice of so many paints as you can see and since they go on the china quite lightly in colour, there’s a glazed and fired plate showing you the different shades the colours will be once they are set. There’s numerous paint brushes there and so many pottery pieces to choose from, including tea pots, mugs, egg cups, plates, various money boxes, plant pots and lots more, so there really is something for everyone. Quite a few people actually brought their children in to have their feet or hands printed onto plates as a keep sake, which I thought was quite cool.

For my pottery pieces, I decided to go a bit retro and colourful as I’m not usually one for conformity. Instead of doing normal cat markings and colours, I wanted to do a rainbow polka dot version as I was inspired by how the sample plate looked. I thought it would make for a very snazzy cat and I was right! I made sure he had a sapphire blue nose and eyes though! As I do love bright colours, my butterfly was various shades of the rainbow too, on both sides, so I can’t wait to hang that up and let it brighten the room up! Adam is more traditional and he decided to paint his owl in classic colours so it looks real and then did his rocket more realistically too, and I think his pieces turned out brilliantly as well.

prezzo-flatbread-salad prezzo-burgerprezzo-cheesecake

After we had been pottery painting, we headed over to Prezzo to grab some lunch for my birthday meal. It actually turned out to be later than we thought and we were eating at around 4pm since we had taken so long painting, but I chose to have my usual flat bread Caesar salad and Adam had the burger. Unfortunately there ended up being part of the plate in my salad, which I bit and hurt my tooth on, but they ended up giving us my meal for free and I got a free desert too, so it wasn’t all that bad. I chose to have cherry sorbet which is my absolute favourite and Adam has a pomegranate cheese cake.

the-globe-chicken-salad chocolate-brownie

Moving on to Monday when I celebrated my actual birthday with my family, I went out for dinner in the evening with my mum, my brother and his best friend to a nice family pub. Unfortunately my dad couldn’t make it so I ended up celebrating my birthday with him the following weekend, so it was a really long drawn out birthday! Ha ha. Since I have many food intolerance’s, I don’t have much variety in my meals when I go out to eat as I have to be safe, so again, I opted for a Caesar salad but this one comes with garlic bread! For the pudding, I chose the chocolate brownie and my brother kindly ate the ice cream for me since I don’t like ice cream. It was a great meal though!


A week ago I was able to pick up our pottery pieces after they had been glazed and fired in the kiln. They turned out so much better than I had anticipated! The colours really popped and show up incredibly bright and I love that! My cat is really sweet and I’m glad that I decided to do polka dots on it instead of the usual cat like colours, I also love how the rainbow butterfly turned out. Isn’t Adam’s owl adorable too? He did a great job with that and I think his rocket is so cool! Pottery painting was definitely something we loved doing and I would absolutely do it again! In fact, I can’t wait to actually, but this time plan it a bit better when it comes to food!


And finally, showcasing one of my most amazing gifts from Adam! He had me made a Captain America chocolate shield! Isn’t it the coolest thing? Most of you know I am obsessed with Captain America and own so many things, but this was a jaw dropping moment. He had it made at the chocolate shop we found in St. Ives called I Should Coco and it’s a solid milk chocolate base with white chocolate detailing, blue and red coloured white chocolate and then dried raspberry bits on top. I’ve eaten the whole thing finally and it was delicious! I was sad to eat it actually, but I didn’t want it to go to waste. I made sure I got lots of photos so I can always remember it!

In terms of my other gifts, I also got a Captain America mug, a key ring, a Build A Bear Toothless dragon from How To Train Your Dragon, two bracelets, a ring and some make-up. The jewellery you will see in my outfit pots and the make-up I usually wear, but I didn’t include the mug and bear in the photos here but I might share them on Instagram or Snapchat (@LornaRaindrops) at some point. You will be seeing the key ring in a special post to come too! So that’s all of my celebratory photos! What do you think?


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  1. August 21, 2015 / 4:43 pm

    That looks like fun! How did you make such neat discs of colour on the cat?

    Those meals are mouthwatering…rather ironic that you’re painting pottery and a piece of plate ends up in the salad.

    Congratulations on your birthday.

    • Lorna
      August 21, 2015 / 8:57 pm

      Just by hand, I’ve always loved art and am lucky enough to have steady hands so just by eye! And I know, it was rather apt that that happened, ha ha!

  2. August 21, 2015 / 5:10 pm

    You defo don’t look 27, girl! I don’t look my age as well…I hope I don’t haha 🙂
    It looks like you’ve had a tonne of fun!
    I’ve done some pottery decorating at Emma Bridgewater factory once and thoroughly enjoyed it!!
    Loving your finished cute items <3 And well done, Adam – gotta appreciate a man who can spoil the girl in the right way 🙂
    xox Nadia

    • Lorna
      August 21, 2015 / 8:58 pm

      Oh I’m glad you have done it too! That sounds cool! I will have to look that place up! And I know, I was really lucky that he got me nice things 🙂 He’s definitely a keeper!

  3. August 21, 2015 / 7:05 pm

    Oh wow, pottery painting is a good idea, Lorna! Fun and so exciting to try things you don’t do often.
    Glad you had an amazing month of your birthday..

    Jhem | JhemSays.com

    • Lorna
      August 21, 2015 / 8:58 pm

      Thank you so much! So glad you like the pics!

  4. August 21, 2015 / 8:04 pm

    Lorna, it sounds like you had a fun birthday… I’m happy ri hear that. I think I would love pottery painting as I would nake it unique too… All the pieces turned out great… I don’t think this in Halifax ♡

    • Lorna
      August 21, 2015 / 8:59 pm

      Thank you so much! You never know, there might be a place there for you Launna! I didn’t think there was a place around here, but there was!

    • Lorna
      August 23, 2015 / 4:08 pm

      Thank you so much!

  5. Steven W
    August 21, 2015 / 11:56 pm

    I’m very impressed by how that pottery has turned out. All four pieces look great but your cat is the sure winner. 🙂 It’s quite striking how different the colours look in the finished pieces compared to as you were working on them.

    I have to say it made me laugh to see that you’d got your phone sat on the table as you were painting. Now there’s a girl with enough confidence in her painting skills to know that there’ll be no paint splashes! 😀

    I think it’s a great idea for a birthday. Much better than a party. 🙂

    All that food looks lovely too.

    • Lorna
      August 23, 2015 / 4:15 pm

      Ha ha, thanks Steven 🙂 Yeah, I wasn’t too worried about anything splashing or making a mess, I’ve done arts and crafts since I was old enough to pick up a brush, so I am definitely confident in my ability for that 😀 So glad you liked the pieces! 😀

  6. August 22, 2015 / 12:15 am

    So many delicious dishes. *_*
    Have a nice weekend…

    • Lorna
      August 23, 2015 / 4:09 pm


    • Lorna
      August 23, 2015 / 4:09 pm

      Ha ha, thanks!

  7. August 22, 2015 / 2:56 pm

    You are such a creative person! Pottery painting sounds fun and relaxing at the same time. Adam knew how to impress you 😉 Captain America chocolate…what could have been better? I would even feel sorry to eat it! Looks so cool 🙂

    My new favorite makeup remover// http://www.keenonbeauty.com

    • Lorna
      August 23, 2015 / 4:10 pm

      It was cool wasn’t it? 😀 Loved it so much, it definitely was upsetting to eat it 🙂

  8. August 22, 2015 / 4:48 pm

    Your cat is lovely, and what for a great idea to have this as one of the birthday activities, I liked it! I also liked his take on the rocket, very nice! I like Prezzo too, they really have nice food! And that Captain America chocolate sign is amazing! I didn’t know you liked Captain America so much, that’s nice! Congratulations on your birthday, even belated, but I really wish you a great year (one’s real year begins after birthday, according to astrology 🙂

    • Lorna
      August 23, 2015 / 4:10 pm

      Thank you so much Denise 😀 Yeah, I do love Captain America, seems to be a bit of an obsession lol!

  9. August 22, 2015 / 4:57 pm

    Belated Happy Birthday. You truly had a special and fun day! Your pottery cat is so cute. The food you ate from the burger to the steak looks so delicious. Have a wonderful weekend!

    • Lorna
      August 23, 2015 / 4:10 pm

      Thank you so much!

    • Lorna
      August 26, 2015 / 1:17 am

      Thank you!!

  10. August 23, 2015 / 7:32 pm

    love that painting idea for your bday!! 😀
    the desserts look amazing! 😀

    Happy Birthday!
    Have a great week!
    Animated Confessions

    • Lorna
      August 23, 2015 / 9:48 pm

      Thank you!!!!

    • Lorna
      August 24, 2015 / 10:25 am

      Thank you!!

  11. Jessica
    August 24, 2015 / 10:27 am

    So much fun babe 😀 I’ve never done this before 🙂

    • Lorna
      August 24, 2015 / 11:13 am

      Thank you so much! It was fun!

    • Lorna
      August 24, 2015 / 6:46 pm

      Thank you!!

    • Lorna
      August 25, 2015 / 11:08 am

      Thank you!

    • Lorna
      August 25, 2015 / 5:57 pm

      Thank you! And I know, I get that often!

  12. August 31, 2015 / 4:29 am

    Seems like you had a really fun birthday! 🙂
    Would love to try pottery painting too and this post has sparked my interest!
    It’s a wonderful idea to pass the time 😀


    • Lorna
      August 31, 2015 / 10:05 am

      You should definitely check it out 🙂 It’s very fun 🙂

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