I Am Wonder Woman


My Wonder Woman costume for Halloween

I’m sure most of you know that dressing up is something that I absolutely love to do, so anytime an occasion comes around, I will find a suitable outfit for it! As it was Halloween yesterday (I don’t celebrate the holiday but I always choose a costume for a shoot), I love to go all out and do something fun! 2 years ago I was Cat Woman, last year I was Tinkerbell and now yesterday, I chose Wonder Woman.

I did want to be Mrs Captain America (for obvious reasons) but unfortunately the choices in costumes for her are really poor and there wasn’t one I could wear. Luckily though, Wonder Woman is extremely popular and after much stress and drama, I finally managed to get hold of my costume, 2 hours before the shoot was planned yesterday. Thank goodness it all worked out ok! I know Wonder Woman is kind of cliche and many women choose her, but for me, choosing Wonder Woman was for a few various reasons. She is strong, empowering and fights for rights, which is wonderful. I like to think that I am quite mentally strong and thanks to genetics on my dads side of the family and my tomboy childhood, my biceps and muscles are fairly big too, making me look like I could be strong! I am happy to report that it felt quite liberating wearing this out, ha ha.

I guess you could class this Wonder Woman costume as on the sexy side, since the stock image shows it worn with suspenders, but I thought bare legs would be better for me. I did take size small and it fits perfectly, so if you want to order the same one, click here, but be warned on shipping as they were having some major warehouse issues and lots never got their costumes. I would love to know what you think of me dressed as Wonder Woman though! How does it compare to previous years? Also, what did you all dress as for your costume this year?




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  1. ali
    November 1, 2015 / 8:23 pm

    Great post Lorna, you look amazing as wonder woman xx

    • Lorna
      November 1, 2015 / 8:31 pm

      Thank you ali!

  2. David
    November 1, 2015 / 8:29 pm

    Awsome! 🙂

    • Lorna
      November 1, 2015 / 8:31 pm

      Thanks 🙂

    • Lorna
      November 1, 2015 / 9:40 pm

      Thank you so much 🙂

  3. Steven W
    November 1, 2015 / 9:37 pm

    You certainly are Wonder Woman! Standing on one leg in those heels is an absolutely astonishing super power!!! 😀 And I see you’re ready to rid the world of the menace of tiresome tyres too!!

    Seriously, though… Hmm, actually I don’t have anything serious to offer on this. 😉

    Great costume, you look absolutely fabulous in it. A close 2nd to the Tinkerbell outfit. Brilliant set of photos! I love them all.

    I don’t really do Halloween myself. I just bought treats for any Trick or Treaters who might call (I had 8 call this year – which was 8 more than last year) and that’s as much as ever happens. My the standard of my family I was really entering into the spirit of it by doing that much… My parents padlocked their gate to avoid the Trick or Treaters… 😀

    • Lorna
      November 1, 2015 / 9:41 pm

      Thank you! Ha ha, yeah that was quite a task! We don’t celebrate it because of what it represents, but I definitely love any excuse for a costume 🙂

      • Steven W
        November 1, 2015 / 9:57 pm

        Yeah, I felt very under dressed answering my door to skeletons and witches. I should have put the Turkey suit on… 😉

        • Lorna
          November 1, 2015 / 9:57 pm

          Ha ha, that would have been hilarious 🙂

  4. VeronikA
    November 1, 2015 / 11:41 pm

    Awesome post Lorna! Your bi’s are really inpressive! I hope you caught whoever you wer chasing and gave them what they deserved! P.s. Bad ass heels!!!

    • Lorna
      November 2, 2015 / 12:22 am

      Ha ha, well they had left all these tyres behind and blocked my entrance, which was why I had to move them!

  5. November 2, 2015 / 3:07 am

    I like that you dress up for Halloween even though you don’t celebrate it. Your costumes are fun every year. I didn’t celebrate either and don’t usually, but ended up handing out candy. My costume? Not much of a costume but I was sitting on the chesterfield watching the hockey game and wearing my team’s jersey. The best part is they were playing their biggest rivals and unfortunately I live in the rival city, it made for some fun conversations on the front porch last night. Thanks for sharing!!

    • Lorna
      November 2, 2015 / 10:33 am

      Ha ha, yeah I can imagine that was different wearing a rival shirt, that’s for sure! Thank you so much though, really glad you like my costume!

  6. November 2, 2015 / 3:28 am

    Lorna I like the Wonder Woman costume… you look amazing.. if I could have pulled this look off at one time I would have worn it too. I think she was strong and cool xox ♡

    • Lorna
      November 2, 2015 / 10:31 am

      Thank you so much!

    • Lorna
      November 2, 2015 / 10:31 am

      Thank you!!

    • Lorna
      November 2, 2015 / 10:31 am

      Thank you!

    • Lorna
      November 2, 2015 / 10:32 am

      Thank you so much!

    • Lorna
      November 2, 2015 / 10:32 am

      Thank you!

  7. November 2, 2015 / 12:55 pm


    Adorei sua fantasia!

    Ótima segunda!

    Beijo! ^^

    • Lorna
      November 2, 2015 / 2:48 pm

      Thank you!

  8. Harija
    November 2, 2015 / 3:52 pm

    Cute post and really creative!!

    Happy November!! Can you believe the year is almost over!


    • Lorna
      November 2, 2015 / 4:46 pm

      Thank you! And no, I know! I can’t believe it!

    • Lorna
      November 2, 2015 / 4:46 pm

      Thank you Alyssa!

    • Lorna
      November 2, 2015 / 4:46 pm

      Thank you so much Vanessa!

  9. November 2, 2015 / 8:41 pm

    I love the idea behind the costume, and guess what, babe, you pull it off in so many ways! You are lovely, strong, kind and overall, WONDERful 🙂 See what I did there lol
    Great costume, glad you got it in time!
    I didn’t dress up this year as we were doing something completely not Halloween’y at the weekend 🙂 We had friends staying with us so just got to hang out all together (plus, do shopping, which is always nice).
    Big hugs your way girl
    xox Nadia

    • Lorna
      November 2, 2015 / 11:46 pm

      Ha ha, yeah I see what you did there! Thank you so much for the kind words, that means a lot to me! Your weekend sounds like it was fun though too! Friends over is always nice!

    • Lorna
      November 2, 2015 / 11:44 pm

      Thank you so much :o) I checked out yours as well and I love the Hawaiian island girl look!

    • Lorna
      November 2, 2015 / 11:45 pm

      Thank you so much!

    • Lorna
      November 2, 2015 / 11:45 pm

      Thank you! It was definitely a fun shoot!

    • Lorna
      November 3, 2015 / 11:35 am

      Thank you so much!

  10. November 3, 2015 / 10:45 am

    This looks fabulous on you and you’re really personifying her right now. I’m also glad you didn’t follow the packaging instructions and added suspenders. I think that would totally throw the outfit off! Also I don’t even get the point for them ahahaha!


    • Lorna
      November 3, 2015 / 11:36 am

      Lol, neither do I, I don’t think they would have suited the costume at all, made it look more slutty than actual Wonder Woman!

    • Lorna
      November 3, 2015 / 1:51 pm

      Thank you!

  11. November 3, 2015 / 5:44 pm

    Wow! Yes, you are! You look fabulous! We’re all super women. I even listened to the song by Alicia Keys: super woman! Totally amazing!


    • Lorna
      November 3, 2015 / 7:40 pm


    • Lorna
      November 3, 2015 / 7:42 pm

      Thank you so much!

    • Lorna
      November 3, 2015 / 7:41 pm

      Thank you 🙂

    • Lorna
      November 4, 2015 / 10:37 am

      Thank you so much!

    • Lorna
      November 4, 2015 / 10:37 am

      Thank you!!

    • Lorna
      November 4, 2015 / 10:37 am

      Thank you!!

  12. November 4, 2015 / 9:54 am

    What an amazing costume, great look!
    Have a lovely day 🙂
    Rosanna x

    • Lorna
      November 4, 2015 / 10:40 am

      Thank you 🙂

  13. Jessica
    November 4, 2015 / 10:41 am

    Babe you look amazing 😀 Absolutely love this costume on you 🙂

    • Lorna
      November 4, 2015 / 10:42 am

      Thank you so much!

    • Lorna
      November 4, 2015 / 10:56 am

      Thank you so much!

  14. Summer Daisy
    November 4, 2015 / 2:07 pm

    You look WONDERFUL♥♥


    • Lorna
      November 4, 2015 / 6:36 pm

      Thank you!

    • Lorna
      November 4, 2015 / 6:37 pm

      Thank you so much!

  15. November 15, 2015 / 10:54 pm

    Wow Lorna this costume is really impressive and suits you perfectly! I love the images and various poses, especially the ones where you’re in character and channeling your inner fierceness! I’m glad to hear your costume arrived in time for the shoot. For Halloween, I didn’t make a full commitment to a costume like you, but I wore an all-black ensemble with a gothic fairy brooch.

    It’s a pleasure to visit your blog.

    Saba x


    • Lorna
      November 16, 2015 / 12:15 pm

      Thank you so much! I’m SO glad you like the costume and my poses! I’m sure your outfit looked lovely too!

    • Lorna
      November 21, 2015 / 12:23 pm


  16. Welly Washer Nathan
    February 3, 2016 / 11:05 am

    Kapowow-wow! I know I’m late commenting, but I just had to say that you do look absolutely amazing in that costume!

    It’s missing the golden lassoo, sadly… which is an important element. Often think about Wonder Woman tying me up using it to teach me a good lesson! ?

    • Lorna
      February 3, 2016 / 12:14 pm

      Unfortunately it didn’t come with the costume, but glad you like it 🙂

    • Lorna
      April 2, 2018 / 5:46 pm


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