Dreaming Of A Hot Getaway


I know I often complain about this weather here in the UK during the Winter, as it’s just so cold, and one of the ways that I try and feel better about it is by dreaming of a hot country. I was really excited when I got to work with Thomson on this blog article as it couldn’t have come at a better time!

One of the countries I have always wanted to visit is Tenerife. If you’re not familiar with it, it’s in the Canary Islands, Spain, so it’s warm! Its current temperature is a nice 20C and that’s not bad at all for the middle of December is it? I heard that January is supposed to be extremely cold here, below -10C, so I’m going to be dreaming of Tenerife and an all-inclusive trip the entire time.

There are a few reasons I’ve always wanted to go there and they are not only because it’s gorgeous and hot, but because of Teide Volcano. My grampy unfortunately passed away a few years ago and one of his first plane rides later in his life was to Tenerife and he loved it. I have a piece of volcanic rock which he brought me back from the volcano and I’ve kept it safe ever since, so I’ve always wanted to see the volcano in real life. My city of Bath is a dead volcano and we live inside it (we still have hot spring water though!) but I’ve never got to see a proper one and Tenerife isn’t all that far away! Plus, it’s the 3rd largest on an island in the world. Have any of you been there?


I do love being on the beach when it’s warm, as I’ve found out from my holidays to St. Ives with Adam, so of course I would enjoy doing that, but there’s something else I’d love to see there too – the Anaga Mountains. It’s supposed to be one of the best hikes you can ever do. The views and the scenery are that of a magical island with lush green all around you. Some people have said that you can feel the scent of strange shrubs and bushes, cacti and flowers, jungle like forests, all with a tinge of the ocean air. There’s even little lizards running around, beautiful butterflies and birds too, plus there’s many valleys and peaks, providing you with a view to the ocean and El Teide. Now that sounds like a dream to me!

There’s also a couple of national parks, and even a fantastic sanctuary where you can see dolphins. I’ve never, ever seen a dolphin before, despite how much I love them, so that’s definitely on my list as well! I hear it takes just over 4 hours from Bristol on a flight, which is scary for me as you know I’m petrified of flying, but one day I’m going to have to get the courage to do it and see the countries that I want to visit. Tenerife is way up there on my list along with Greece, Disneyland, Italy (again), United States, and Australia. The good thing about Australia is that you can stay longer! For those considering a longer stay, the TSS Visa  (Temporary Skill Shortage) allows you to work in Australia for up to four years, making it easier to experience all that it has to offer. Is there anywhere you’re planning a Winter holiday to?


Image Credit: 500px, Hello Canary Islands & Holiday Warehouse.

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  1. December 16, 2016 / 1:21 pm

    Wow, I’ve never heard of this little country, looks wonderful. I hope you get to go there soon. Bath is inside a dead volcano? Sounds scary Lorna. 😳❤️

    • Lorna
      December 21, 2016 / 1:28 am

      It’s ok! It’s not live! It’s fine 😀

  2. December 16, 2016 / 3:22 pm

    Hot getaways are a must! My family has property in Arizona so that has turned into my favourite warm weather destination. Personally I am not too much of a “go to the beach” kinda girl, so I prefer warm, dry climates with lots of adventuring to do. Speaking of holidays though, there is a chance I’ll be cruising ’round Great Britain next Summer. I would be so excited, I want to go back so badly.
    Also, flying is WORTH it. The Canary Islands are supposed to be beautiful- my parents went a couple years ago. You would be fine on an airplane, I know it! It is easy and you get to see the world!

    • Lorna
      December 21, 2016 / 1:31 am

      I’m just literally SO scared because of my medical issues and my ear problems, I’m petrified!

  3. December 17, 2016 / 1:34 am

    I’ve never heard of Tenerife, but it looks beautiful. And, i was already sold by the warm temperature. It’s freezing in NY right now that i don’t even want to go outside at all. These pictures are absolutely beautiful.

    • Lorna
      December 21, 2016 / 1:29 am

      You should go!

  4. December 17, 2016 / 2:03 am

    Tenerife sounds looovely! It’s currently -3 degrees C right now in NYC and it doesn’t look like it’s going to get any better so I’m dreaming of warmer climes myself 🙂 Stay warm and happy holidays!

    xo, Jo

    • Lorna
      December 21, 2016 / 1:29 am

      You should go 😀

  5. December 17, 2016 / 5:51 am

    It actually got up to 20º C today in Oklahoma City. Tomorrow comes snow, followed by temperatures around -15º C.

    • Lorna
      December 21, 2016 / 1:29 am

      Oh wow that’s going to be freezing!

  6. December 17, 2016 / 12:14 pm

    I was never there, but a friend was and she really really loved it, and talked a lot about Teide Volcano and the national parks! I think that it must be a great place to go and your grandpa was right! I hope you go there soon, -10 in January doesn’t sound good for beach lovers! Hope you have a great weekend!

    • Lorna
      December 21, 2016 / 1:30 am

      Thanks, Denise! Your friend is lucky she went!

  7. Idu Emeziem
    December 17, 2016 / 7:22 pm

    I totally understand why you’d want this getaway. That connection with your gramps and the weather. It’s so beautiful there. The weather is still a roller coaster here. Looks nice and sunny out today but then again cali weather is so deceptive.


    • Lorna
      December 21, 2016 / 1:30 am

      It definitely does hold a lovely place in my heart, even though I’ve never been.

  8. December 18, 2016 / 6:37 pm

    Lorna, that scenery is gorgeous… Spain is one of the countries I want to visit, right after Portugal… Both of these countries have been at the top of my agenda, any warm country after that. I guess because I have lived in a cold country all my life it is my dream to travel to all the warm ones… I want to see many places in Europe but if they are cold countries, I only want to go in the summer time… lol… I really want to see the beauty this Earth had to offer xox

    • Lorna
      December 21, 2016 / 1:30 am

      I really hope you get to, Launna! I know how you feel longing to explore xx.

  9. December 20, 2016 / 8:08 am

    I guess that’s just really how it is. People from a cold place wishes to be in somewhere warmer, while those from a warmer place including me wishes to be somewhere really cold right now! ♥ I’d love to be back in Aspen, Colorado in the United States, South Korea and in Japan! 🙂 Hope to hear from you soon!

    Love, Airish
    Gorgeous Glance

    • Lorna
      December 21, 2016 / 1:36 am

      Yeah, we always want a change from what we’re used to don’t we? 🙂

  10. December 20, 2016 / 6:58 pm

    I have also been dreaming of a holiday, even though we are transitioning into summer and the beach is but minutes away..

    • Lorna
      December 21, 2016 / 1:35 am

      Ooooh you’re in Summer! Seems like so long ago for me, ha ha.

  11. December 21, 2016 / 3:40 pm

    It looks lovely but I think it would be far too hot for me. 😀 I hope that you are able to someday overcome your flying issues and head out there though. The wildlife sounds lovely.

    The top 2 of my list of countries I’d most like to visit are the Netherlands and Canada. 🙂 Neither are known for their heat… 😉

    I am going away for Christmas though… I’ll be travelling a whole 17 miles! So I expect the weather where my parents live to be much the same as where I live. 😉

    • Lorna
      December 22, 2016 / 11:40 am

      Ha ha, I hope it’s snowy! Canada and the Netherlands are beautiful though, I definitely know why you want to go there! Have you got your snow suit ready?

      • December 22, 2016 / 5:39 pm

        I would probably be better buying one upon arrival… certainly in Canada. I doubt anything that could be available in the UK would be adequate to the task. 😉

        Yes, indeed, you’re right… all the places in the world I most want to visit are where my friends live. 😀 So Netherlands is obviously top of my list. 🙂

        • Lorna
          December 22, 2016 / 8:49 pm

          I can’t wait for when you do so I can see all the photos 😀

    • Lorna
      December 22, 2016 / 11:40 am

      Yes! It’s not a live one though 🙂

  12. December 22, 2016 / 12:34 am

    That looks like a gorgeous escape!

    • Lorna
      December 22, 2016 / 11:41 am

      Glad you like it!

  13. December 22, 2016 / 8:09 pm

    Woah I never would have guessed that this was Tenerife, it looks amazing there! Merry Christmas! 🙂 xx

    • Lorna
      December 22, 2016 / 8:48 pm

      It does, doesn’t it? 😀 Merry Christmas!

  14. December 25, 2016 / 1:08 am

    Wow it sounds absolutely lovely there Lorna, and you describe it beautifully! It’s lovely that you still have the piece of volcanic rock which your grampy brought back for you. I never realised that Bath was the site of a dead volcano which people now inhabit. It sounds worrying when you put it like that, haha! Up till now, the main thing I knew about Bath was Jane Austen’s connection to it. I’m relieved to hear the volcano is dormant!

    Lots of love Saba xx


    • Lorna
      December 27, 2016 / 3:06 am

      Jane Austen does have a huge connection and we have the Roman Baths too as it was a Roman city, it has lots of heritage! But yep, old volcano! It’s not live at all so there’s no worry, we just have hot spring water underneath the ground still, that’s all!

      • December 31, 2016 / 9:42 pm

        The Roman baths sound lovely, and it must be nice having hot spring water under the ground. I’m learning a lot about your city of Bath through reading your blog! xx

        • Lorna
          January 2, 2017 / 5:39 pm

          I’m glad I can educate you a bit! I only scratch the surface though, but you should definitely read up on it xx.

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