Absorbing Energy From Autumn

Autumn really is my favourite time of year. I know I’ve said it numerous times before, but it genuinely is. Not just because it means the intense summer heat has come to an end (thank goodness), and not just because the jewel tones of the leaves are incredible, but because of the energy I feel from the season. I’ve never known how to explain it, but I just feel alive and invigorated at this time of year.

I remember first feeling it when I was younger. I think I was possibly around 12 or 13 and my mum, my brother, and her partner at the time were on our way to Devon for a holiday in October. We’d stopped at the motorway services at around 7pm to get some snacks and refuel. I was feeling tired and sleepy, but as soon as I got out of the car and into the dark, windy, cool air, I was instantly woken up and refreshed. I remember standing there, looking around as the lights were lighting up what could be considered a bit of a creepy looking, poorly lit area, but as I breathed deeply into the night air, I was excited – I felt powerful, almost invincible.

If you’ve experienced this type of energy from nature before, you will know what I am talking about, but for those of you who haven’t, the only way I can explain it is like something exciting just happened to you and you’re overcome with joy and enthusiasm for it. My eyes light up, I want to take deep breaths and absorb the wind more, I just really enjoy the feeling and connection.

The odd thing is that this only happens around this time of year, and when it’s nighttime with wind in the air and a wet ground. These ingredients are what stir the energy up and if one of them is missing, it’s not absorbed by me. So there definitely has to be wet ground, a slight wind, a dark night, and some street lights so you can see into the distance. I get mesmerised and transformed, so I feel like I could stand there for hours just taking it all in.

Are there any elements in nature that you’re really connected to? Or do you feel energy from nights like this as well and you just absorb the strength? I always feel like change is happening and I get excited by that, when usually I am scared by change. So I feel empowered! You might have noticed I changed the layout of my blog again recently and I’m going through a lot of mental changes now too, so I’m excited to be feeling this energy and embracing Autumnal changes. Lorna xx.

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  1. October 16, 2017 / 2:31 pm

    Okay, perhaps I should look at a different way to Autumn! Because I hate it, I love the summer and the sun! But I agree that the colours in nature are so very beautiful now!

    • Lorna
      October 18, 2017 / 2:09 am

      It truly is beautiful when you look at it!

  2. October 16, 2017 / 7:33 pm

    We all pretty much love fall but what makes it unique is that we all have our own reasons and memories to go along with it. Your story is really cute with your family!

    • Lorna
      October 18, 2017 / 2:09 am

      Thank you!

  3. October 16, 2017 / 10:02 pm

    I’m a fair weather girl myself so I hate to say bye to the not-so-great British summer! Though, I do love the changing colours of the leaves and any excuse to cosy up!
    Jaz xoxo

    • Lorna
      October 18, 2017 / 2:10 am

      The leaves are definitely so pretty!

  4. October 16, 2017 / 10:10 pm

    Wow, I can totally relate with you because Autumn is my favorite season as well. I feel like you said their is change in the air, a sort of new beginning. I love the feeling so much, and it does put me in the best of moods. My blog is due for a change as well and I am so indecisive sometimes, but I will be changing it in the upcoming months. Yours looks great :)) Have a wonderful week!


    • Lorna
      October 18, 2017 / 2:10 am

      Oh I can’t wait to see how your blog looks when you change it! That’s exciting!

    • Lorna
      October 18, 2017 / 2:10 am

      Thank you!

  5. October 16, 2017 / 11:34 pm

    Very wonderful and special.

    • Lorna
      October 18, 2017 / 2:10 am


  6. October 17, 2017 / 2:16 am

    There is such a beautiful energy to fall!

    • Lorna
      October 18, 2017 / 2:11 am

      Glad you feel it too!

  7. sabrina
    October 17, 2017 / 5:08 pm

    the first picture is beautiful
    Autumn: in Paris it is +24 ° C

    • Lorna
      October 18, 2017 / 2:14 am

      Oh wow that’s really warm!

  8. October 18, 2017 / 12:46 pm

    Oh I love that last photo! 🙂

    We don’t really have autumn here in Brisbane, no leaves turning orange and things like that. We do have a similar kind of magical change around springtime, when it’s the first actually warm day after the winter chill. Being able to walk outside and feel warm and not be piling on the layers always gets me excited for summer and Christmas and all the wonderful things to come! 🙂

    Hope you are having a lovely week and your weather is better than ours, haha! Cold and rainy here in Brisbane.

    Away From The Blue Blog

    • Lorna
      October 18, 2017 / 5:52 pm

      It’s cold and rainy here, grey. It’s about 12 degrees today lol, so no, not very good today, but I do love the crisp fresh air!

  9. October 19, 2017 / 2:32 am

    Hmmm. I was born around this time of year, entirely too many years ago. I wonder if I should be looking for energies of this sort.

    • Lorna
      October 19, 2017 / 12:44 pm

      I’m an August baby so it’s fairly close, might have something to do with it! But then by that, I should enjoy summer, ha ha.

    • Lorna
      October 19, 2017 / 12:44 pm


  10. October 20, 2017 / 7:26 am

    Beautiful pictures. I am so waiting for Autumn to begin. It has been so warm over here and I can’t wait for the rain, wind and cold. Walking outside in wellies and enjoying nature and warming up inside. It gives me a lot of energy and a feeling of comfort.

    • Lorna
      October 22, 2017 / 6:03 pm

      Oh I’m intrigued that you feel the same way too as most people haven’t related to it!

  11. October 20, 2017 / 8:21 am

    Autumn is by far the best season. Is the fashion season. Big designers all over the world were working all the summer to create the new fashion trends and promote them when Autumn comes. The intense summer heat has come to an end, the temperature is normal and the designers can do tones of clothing combination from all the seasons. That was my Autumn fashion skeptic…

    • Lorna
      October 22, 2017 / 6:03 pm

      It definitely is a great season for fashion!

  12. October 21, 2017 / 3:02 pm

    I have never experienced such feelings as you describe here. I am with you so far that autumn is my favourite season too but I don’t draw any special energy from it. I wish I did as it sounds like a terrific feeling… And, goodness knows, I could use some positively right now. Lol

    • Lorna
      October 22, 2017 / 6:04 pm

      From the responses on the post, I think it’s something you either have or don’t have, a bit like marmite, ha ha.

      • October 23, 2017 / 3:35 pm

        Oh, well I certainly like Marmite. 😀 😉

        • Lorna
          October 23, 2017 / 8:20 pm

          Ha ha, and I don’t! So there might be something in that!

          • October 24, 2017 / 11:49 am

            I spread it so thickly that my teeth really sink into it… but you probably didn’t want to know that? 😛

            • Lorna
              October 24, 2017 / 1:39 pm

              Oh my gosh, what horror story has this turned into! Ha ha 😀

  13. October 22, 2017 / 1:48 pm

    Hi Lorna! I’m glad to hear you’re feeling energised by nature, and optimistic about the autumn season. I like the way you described the sensation and the feeling of empowerment you experienced. I love autumn too and feel like it’s a good time to get things done, and somehow it makes me want to focus on my goals. I love being outside and also the rich colours of the season. I adore the images you’ve shared here.

    Lots of love Saba xx


    • Lorna
      October 22, 2017 / 6:04 pm

      Hi Saba! So happy you enjoyed the post. Autumn really does have such a nice energy to it and it helps you get back to reality after wanting to vacate and be lazy in the Summer!

    • Lorna
      October 22, 2017 / 6:05 pm

      Glad you enjoyed it!

  14. October 25, 2017 / 4:03 am

    I love the autumn too… I used to adore it for walking as it would refresh me when I warmed up… the colors are so pretty and I adore crunchy leaves under my feet… I just don’t like the winter at all… I could skip that who season and not miss it in the least… I say lets just have a longer autumn season xox…

    • Lorna
      October 25, 2017 / 12:54 pm

      I would love one long Autumn period too! I really don’t like the freezing sub zero of Winter, but I do love Christmas and the decorations that are up in the Winter!

  15. Lindsey Puls
    November 5, 2017 / 4:31 pm

    Beautiful photos! And I know exactly what you are saying. There is just something about fall and the changes of the seasons that invoke a sense of excitement and strength. I love it!


    • Lorna
      November 5, 2017 / 6:47 pm

      Oh I’m so glad you understand the same emotions!

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