At The Pumpkin Patch

At The Pumpkin Patch

How is it almost Halloween? There’s pretty much 2 months left of the year, and once I get past Halloween I start planning everything Christmas related! For this photoshoot though, Adam and I decided to do something different and go to a Pumpkin Patch! This one is at Farrington Farm and I had actually never been to a Pumpkin Patch before, ever, so it was quite an exciting experience! I was considering wearing wellies, but as the weather was really sunny and dry, it wasn’t bad at all so I stuck with my boots as the mud was mostly hard.

It was so cool seeing endless amounts of pumpkins in a field though, rows and rows of orange, green, and white pumpkins, thousands of them! They made such a pretty backdrop for the photos, so this is something I plan to do every year now if I can for an October photoshoot! I personally thought burgundy would be a good option for my outfit, so the orange could stand out, and Adam chose an orange jumper so he matched the pumpkins, and I think I actually like his photos more, ha ha, but I will let all of you be the judge of that!

Since this is more of a festive and fun shoot, I’m not really focusing it on the outfit, which is why I haven’t put what I was wearing at the bottom or the options to buy. I can’t remember the roll neck jumper as it’s old, but if you are interested, just leave me a comment below and I will look it up. My jeans are PAIGE Margot, my boots are Sam Edelman, and my bag is a Mulberry Lily, so I hope that helps! For Adam, his was a Topman jumper, Boohoo jeans and Frank Wright boots (check out his Instagram here).

Since I’m doing more of my own content that I love and want to write, I’m having such a good time creating photoshoots like this, without pressure. Of course I am planning my annual Halloween costume as well to be posted on actual Halloween next week. As long as I receive one last item in the mail, we’re good to go, so fingers crossed! I know you all keep asking what my costume is, but you will have to wait and see, I’m not giving anything away just yet! Anyway, I will keep this short and sweet, I hope you have a great rest of the week! Lorna xx.

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  1. Frogger
    October 24, 2018 / 9:26 pm

    Great oufit as always!
    Have a nice Halloween 🙂

    • Lorna
      October 27, 2018 / 12:26 am

      Thank you 🙂

    • Lorna
      October 27, 2018 / 12:26 am

      We did, thank you 🙂

    • Lorna
      October 27, 2018 / 12:27 am

      It’s so much fun there!

  2. October 25, 2018 / 7:25 am

    Hi Lorna, What a good shoot you have here. Your outfits look amazing, both of you. Would be funny though if you had orange wellies to match with the pumpkins,haha. It has been so dry here as well. Sorry, I haven’t replied in a while. It has been a crazy time the last few weeks and I have read your posts as comfort, but I wasn’t feeling well enough to reply. Sorry for that. You are such an inspiration as a person and I hope you have a wonderful Halloween outfit.

    • Lorna
      October 27, 2018 / 12:34 am

      I have my Coral ones, but not a bright orange like a pumpkin, ha ha. Maybe next time! And that’s ok, I hope you’re feeling better. Always nice to read your comments though! Thank you!

      • October 27, 2018 / 4:08 pm

        Haha, that would have beencool though. I am feeling a bit better now, thank you, you are always so kind and considerate. I might send you an email soon because I don’t feel comfortable telling you here. Enjoy your weekend.

        • Lorna
          October 28, 2018 / 11:19 pm

          No problem! I will look out for it!

  3. October 25, 2018 / 8:07 am

    I haven’t been to a pumpkin patch yet, but it is such a cute place for photos.
    Can’t wait to see your Halloween costume this year!

    • Lorna
      October 27, 2018 / 12:27 am

      You would love it I am sure!

  4. October 25, 2018 / 1:01 pm

    I love the autumn colours in your outfit, your bag is the perfect touch! Looks like that would be fun visiting the farm to pick your own pumpkin! We don’t really do Halloween here so I’ve never been pumpkin picking!

    Hope that you are having a great week 🙂 I’ve been sick for most of it but I’m starting to feel better 🙂

    Away From The Blue Blog

    • Lorna
      October 27, 2018 / 12:27 am

      I don’t really celebrate it either, but pumpkins are great for eating!

    • Lorna
      October 27, 2018 / 12:28 am

      They really do add something!

  5. Jodie
    October 25, 2018 / 3:05 pm

    What a fun time. How did you get the pumpkin patch to yourselves??? It’s always so crowded when we go!!

    • Lorna
      October 27, 2018 / 12:29 am

      Oh we didn’t, we had to wait numerous times for people to get out of shot lol, it was packed! We did wait until closing time though as well when most people were leaving, ha ha.

    • Lorna
      October 27, 2018 / 12:30 am

      Thank you!

    • Lorna
      October 27, 2018 / 12:30 am

      Oh you should go!

    • Lorna
      October 27, 2018 / 12:30 am

      Thank you so much!

    • Lorna
      October 27, 2018 / 12:30 am

      Thank you so much!

  6. October 26, 2018 / 1:07 am

    Yes pumpkin picking is so fun. I have not done this years, I use to go upstate when my friends lived up there we would have a great time. And this year we are actually having a fall so it is even better.Love your pix

    Allie of

    • Lorna
      October 27, 2018 / 12:31 am

      Oh that sounds like it was a nice tradition!

  7. polarbearstyle
    October 26, 2018 / 7:29 am

    I’ve never been to a pumpkin patch, but it seems like such a fun thing to do in the fall. Your photos are beautiful.

    Kathrin | Polar Bear Style

    • Lorna
      October 27, 2018 / 12:31 am

      It is really fun!

    • Lorna
      October 27, 2018 / 12:31 am

      Thank you so much!

  8. October 26, 2018 / 12:50 pm

    You had a fantastic idea to visit a pumpkin fiel! And yes Adam’s sweater looks great in the field but I love your look, too!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

    • Lorna
      October 27, 2018 / 12:32 am

      Thank you so much!

  9. Gabrielle
    October 26, 2018 / 6:00 pm

    Aww these photos are so perfect for Autumn! I feel as though if it were the norm to send out halloween/autumn greetings cards, then these photos would definitely appear on the front of them 😉 haha. Have a fabulous weekend! x

    • Lorna
      October 27, 2018 / 12:32 am

      Ha ha! That would be cool to put those on cards 😀

  10. karasclosetblog
    October 26, 2018 / 6:34 pm

    How exciting that this was your first time at a pumpkin patch! I love all the photos and the burgundy color of your top is really pretty. Also, I’m excited to see what your costume will be! Have a great weekend x

    x Kara |

    • Lorna
      October 27, 2018 / 12:33 am

      So glad you liked them! And not long to wait now!

  11. October 26, 2018 / 8:38 pm

    you both look great…and I love how you have styled autumn colours. Great location and photos….gotta love those autumn vibes. It looks like the two of you had a great time. I can’t wait to see your Halloween costume.
    Time is flying like crazy, isn’t it? I’m a bit stressed about the end of the school year, I hope it all goes well.
    Have a lovely weekend! <3

    • Lorna
      October 27, 2018 / 12:33 am

      Thank you! And yes! The time is going by so quickly these days!

    • Lorna
      October 27, 2018 / 12:33 am

      Thank you so much!

    • Lorna
      October 28, 2018 / 11:16 pm

      Thank you so much!

  12. October 27, 2018 / 8:20 am

    I love these kind of pumpkin patches!
    They are beautiful locations (for pictures) and let’s be honest, pumpkins are soooooo pretty and the one and only thing for autumn. I wish there were more of these in my location.
    Lovely my dear and you 2 look amazing 🙂

    take a look at my BLOG and my INSTAGRAM

    • Lorna
      October 28, 2018 / 11:16 pm

      Thank you so much! Glad you like them 🙂

  13. Spencer Wong
    October 27, 2018 / 9:16 am

    I love your sweaters dear. The color is perfect for the autumn and winter.

    GoBestShops👗 | Review
    Jewelry Blog 💍 | Sunflower Ring

    • Lorna
      October 28, 2018 / 11:17 pm

      Thank you!

  14. Spencer Wong
    October 27, 2018 / 9:17 am

    Loving your sweaters, the colors are perfect for the winter dear!

    GoBestShops👗 | Review

    • Lorna
      October 28, 2018 / 11:18 pm

      Thank you!

  15. October 27, 2018 / 2:46 pm

    The last time I visited a pumpkin patch had to be when I was a kid, but thanks for the reminder of how colorful and fun they are. As always, you look amazing! Hugs and Happy Saturday! RO

    • Lorna
      October 28, 2018 / 11:18 pm

      Oh that must have been fun when you were young!

  16. October 28, 2018 / 12:07 pm

    I love your outfit! And the location is really cool, I wish we had a pumpkin patch in Denmark!


    • Lorna
      October 28, 2018 / 11:19 pm

      There might be one!

  17. October 28, 2018 / 5:49 pm

    Looking like pure paradise at this pumpkin patch, such stunning shots! I love both your autumn styles, so dreamy! The orange and burgundy tones work so well. I went to a pumpkin patch for the first time last weekend, so much fun. So glad you enjoyed it! ♥︎

    Sophie | soinspo xo

    • Lorna
      October 28, 2018 / 11:20 pm

      That’s cool! I feel like a lot of us are going to a pumpkin patch for the first time!

  18. Steven Whaley
    October 28, 2018 / 11:59 pm

    These are such fun photos! You both look great in your bright autumn jumpers. I think Adam could play a creditable game of hide and seek in the pumpkin patch with his lovely orange jumper. 🙂

    I haven’t ever been to a pumpkin patch and I’m struck, from your photos, as to how beautifully randomly the pumpkins look to be growing. With most crops everything looks so much more regimented and organised so it’s nice to see a bit of natural chaos.

    When I was a child we usually had a carved out pumpkin at Halloween… It always looked very full of character. 🙂

    • Lorna
      October 29, 2018 / 12:51 am

      Oh I think you would love it! These are grown naturally and organically in the farm I believe, so a lot were still attached to the dried out vines! They do seem to grow all over the place in all sorts of shapes and sizes, and colours! I didn’t even know you could get white or dark green pumpkins, ha ha. It was as much a learning field trip as it was a shoot! They had options there for you to pick your pumpkin and then go and carve it with all their tools in the barn, looked like it was great fun for kids. I know I would have adored that when I was young 🙂 And you’re right, he did blend in, ha ha 🙂

  19. October 31, 2018 / 6:30 am

    This looks so much fun! Love your sweater dear, the color is just so chic on you!
    Jessica |

    • Lorna
      October 31, 2018 / 1:17 pm

      Thank you so much!

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