As you enjoyed my November Life Update post, I have turned it into a monthly series as requested. I also got a few requests on my IG Stories as well to include more inspirational things, music, movies etc. as well as general interests in the month. I was even asked to do a weekly schedule, which I did attempt, but since I spend a lot of days at home, it didn’t really work out so I thought I’d just include a few bits in here from a few random days instead. You also really loved my at home try on series which I share to Instagram, so I am including it here again, monthly, for you! So, lets get to it!
Books – At this time of year I love reading when I have downtime, and one book I have been wanting to check out is ‘Sapians – A Brief History Of Humankind‘ as it seems so intriguing! I might buy some more Ancient Aliens books too as I’m really into history with theories of aliens!
Music – Oddly I’ve been loving the Little Mix – Woman Like Me song, as well as Shawn Mendes – In My Blood acoustic. There’s a few good songs at the moment, but those two I love.
P.S. – The lip colour I am wearing above is OMG by Bare Minerals (click here).
These are a few pieces I was inspired to buy, just from seeing recent looks from a few bloggers like LornaLuxe, but in my own way. I saw this faux fur coat on Zara in the sale for half price and had to get it, and I’m glad I did as it’s a biscuit colour, but the fabric is SO soft, I have honestly never felt a faux fur so smooth and soft, I definitely recommend it, but it’s sold out. It does run smaller though if you do manage to get it, I’m in the size S and I’m usually an XS in their coats. The jumper is one of Zara’s fuzzy ones and I also picked it up in white as well as this brown, it’s so cosy! The skirt itself is from Topshop and it’s a beige cord. I don’t usually have skirts that are light, but I thought it was ideal for this look, and I am happy with the outcome – I can’t wait to shoot it. For the shoes, you can’t see them here, but they’re these blush pink boots from Topshop (click here) and SO affordable! Are you a fan of this combo and excited to see it as a full outfit?
On the left here is the Topshop teddy coat in blue that I had been eyeing up. You’ve seen my beige one and I live in it, so I thought I would get the blue one too when the sale was on. I wasn’t sure if it would suit me since I don’t wear a lot of blue other than denim, but I really like it.
On the right is a jumper I got from Allsaints with 30% off (still in the sale now – click here) and it’s so pretty! It’s a blush pink and has metallic threads in it too. It is a bit itchy for me as it has wool in it, but I am wearing it with a long sleeve t-shirt underneath to avoid that. I loved it too much to send it back, it’s stunning! Don’t you think it’s festive but chic enough for all year round too?
Adam and I went ice skating on Friday, well I say we went ice skating, but I actually forced him and he only spent 3 minutes on the ice before getting off, ha ha. He couldn’t do it, but I loved it. It’s just such a shame I suffer so much with pain afterwards, so I need to weigh up if it’s worth it or not.
Other things I have done include piano lessons too! I went for my first introductory piano lesson and loved it. She said I was a natural actually because of my musical rhythm and memory, which I’m happy about as I am very musically orientated, so I’m going to start lessons after Christmas!
Regarding my physiotherapy, I’ve been discharged and have finished my sessions. I’m glad about that actually as it was getting quite intense, but my knee (as I mentioned before) was becoming much too painful. It’s got to the point now whenever I do any exercise or movement with it, or even have it bent too long, the bone behind my knee cap causes me pain. It never used to be this way so I can only assume the physiotherapy has aggravated it unfortunately. I’m not sure what to do at this current moment regarding my knee, so I’m a bit stuck.
I couldn’t not share the Christmas decorations I’ve been seeing around town could I? I love them all! The decorations are my favourites and what I love so much about this time of year, especially the fake snow we have in town that goes off all the time. It’s so festive! We also put our own house decorations up on December 1st so it’s definitely feeling Christmasy!
As you know I am a huge fan of Little Ondine nail polishes as they have no odours, well I just received their Christmas twins sets from them and I LOVE them! The colours are so pretty and I cannot wait to try the Cabernet and Gold! Click here to see it. They also have a Teal and White as well as a Lilac and Grey combo! So many fun new twins shades!
One of my favourite meals at Cosy Club! It’s the gluten free chicken, bacon and avocado burger. I don’t usually like avocado but I finally tried it in my burger and I like it! Just not on its own…
A few general things this month (with this Autumn selfie) I didn’t know if I should include or not. I never know how personal or in deep I should go with these things as I try to stay away from being negative, but I’ve had a huge amount of stress over the last couple of weeks and it started affecting my sleeping and my productivity. One of the issues was with Topshop as I had returned some items to them, and the warehouse staff had only refunded half of the order, so half of the items were missing from my refund entirely.
I got in touch with the customer service who asked for my proof of return receipt, which I gave, they told me it hadn’t been received yet (3 times!) but when they told me eventually that my receipt was done wrong because the post office hadn’t included the weight or tracking on it, I started to panic. They said they wouldn’t give me a refund and could only offer me 10% off my next order… I had a complaint going and they had said to me for about 10 days that a manager would call, but nobody called. I was being treated like a criminal when it was their warehouse staff that had probably stolen the clothes. I’m giving you the short version here, but this went on for 2 weeks and I finally gave it to my mum to deal with because I was getting so angry and upset. She managed to get in touch with the head office of complaints and I finally got my refund, which was a huge relief, but I was incredibly angry with Topshop. I know it was probably the post office’s fault too for doing the return wrong, but the treatment from Topshop was so rude, and not really how you should treat a customer who’s been with you for over 15 years… Anyway, I’m glad that’s all sorted out finally as I don’t deal well with drama.
Other stuff has been at home, which is why I’m trying to create a new working environment, but it’s going to be a mammoth task for me to do, so it’s been weighing on my shoulders so much and getting me down as well. Coupled with not feeling too well lately and a lot of joint pain, it’s not been great, ha ha. But as always, I try to keep a very positive mindset, I know it’s temporary, things will improve, and life is about how you handle the situations and enjoy the small things. I’m going to my Buddhist group again soon as I haven’t been for a while due to illness, so I’m looking forward to that!
Also, I was shortlisted for the Fashion Blog of the Year award from Vuelio, which was a couple of weeks ago, but I didn’t win. I didn’t expect to since In The Frow was in my category (she won) but it’s lovely to be shortlisted to a final 6 out of the entire UK. Thank you to everyone for your support! It’s things like this that change your perspective when you’re feeling down.
And for the inspirational words of wisdom, with the view of the Wintry trees, I am using a quote as I saw this online and was really inspired by it. It definitely got me thinking!
Finding yourself is not really how it works.
You aren’t a ten dollar bill in last winter’s coat pocket. You are also not lost. Your true self is right there, buried under cultural conditioning, other people’s opinions, and inaccurate conclusions you drew as a kid that became your beliefs about who you are.
Finding yourself is actually returning to yourself… An unlearning, an excavation, a remembering of who you were before the world got it’s hands on you. ~ Emily Mcdowell
So if you’ve been feeling a bit lost or feeling like you need to ‘find yourself’ hopefully that might help! Anyway, I’m looking forward to Christmas, spending an entire week with Adam beforehand, rearranging some things to create a new work space and hopefully enjoy some down time! What have you all been up to this month? Lorna xx.
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Lovely photos, Lorna. I hope you’re knee feels better. Wishing you and yours a blessed Christmas. ❤️
Thank you, John! Wishing you a happy Christmas too!
Wow isn’t it amazing that so much stuff happens in one month! I do hope the pain in your knee subsides soon and I am also glad to hear that your ordeal with Topshop is finally closed. Those things are never fun and cause more stress than needed. I have never been ice skating. I am sure it’s a lot of fun but I feel like I would just hurt myself! Lol Btw, those two colors of nail polish look amazing. I love burgundy as is so my opinion may be biased but I saw it and thought how beautiful. So did you keep the blue jacket from Topshop? It looks super soft and I bet it’s really warm.
Maureen |
I did! I kept it! I love it! I’m sure you will see it featured here next month, or on my IG stories no doubt before! I’m glad that ordeal is over too, I hate disputes! Thank you for always stopping by and leaving lovely comments, Maureen!
That lip color is so pretty, and how fun that you are taking piano lessons!
Thank you!
You’re so pretty!
Awh thank you!
I’m sorry to hear that you’re not feeling well and about your stressful experience with Topshop. I hope you have the most wonderful holidays to make up for that.
Kathrin | Polar Bear Style
Thank you so much!
Even thought it’s summer here and so hot I’m loving those cosy teddy coats! I think that sparkly pink jumper is so cute too, definitely a keeper! Sorry to hear about the stress with the Topshop return though, glad your mum could get it resolved, it sounds so stressful!
Hope that your week is going well so far 🙂 I had my last day at work today and now I’m on Christmas holidays, yey!
Away From The Blue Blog
Yes! I really love the teddy coats so much 😀
Gorgeous photos babe.
I would love to go skating too
Much Love,
Jane | The Bandwagon Chic
Thank you!
Congrats on being on the shortlist.
Thank you!
That is such a cute selfie, I like the jacket with a combo of fleece and denim. I like this monthly life update you’re doing. That is such a big deal to be shortlisted to the top 6, well done girl! At least you’ve been refunded by Topshop, I did a return in Missguided but I lost the tracking number so I had no proof that I returned it. They never refunded it because they said that they never got the items back but it’s a lesson learned. I’m wishing you a very happy Christmas!
Oh no! That’s awful! That’s such a scary thing to have happen if you lost the tracking, ugh I’m sorry!
Being shortlisted as one of the six best UK fashion bloggers is an amazing accomplishment and you totally deserve it. Congrats! Love your outfits…and that burgundy lipstick is gorgeous.
My month has been quite stressful and when you add health problems to the mix, it’s never fun but as you said it’s all temporary. Keeping a positive outlook is always good. For me it is helpful to keep a generally positive outlook but at the same time allow myself time to be down, because nobody can be happy all the time. Paradoxically, when I stopped to expect happiness from myself, I became a happier person.
That’s a very good way of looking at it! Thank you for sharing that!
fun post! I love your lipstick color in the first photos!
Thank you!
Thanks for your personal update. I love the coats, all the decorations, and these cool nail polishes. Congrats on being one of the top 6 blogs in the UK. That is amazing!
Thank you so much!
I love acoustic Shawn Mendes a lot too, I have been listening to Little Mix Strip which I quite like. Great photos, you look beautiful, really like that lip on you. Thanks for sharing this update, hope you have a great weekend xxx
ALittleKiran | Bloglovin
Thank you so much! So glad you like the music too! I will listen to Strip!
Haha, although it’s not my usual taste I’ve also been enjoying Little Mix’s ‘Woman Like Me’ lately! I love the ice blue teddy coat on you babe, by the way! x
It’s really catchy isn’t it? And thank you!
I love the shoes.
thank you for sharing series of beautiful photos
You’re welcome! And did you mean the ice skates? Lol.
What a beautiful update Lorna. Lovely pictures! Ready for the holidays?
Thank you! And in some ways I am, are you?
The blue teddy coat is super amazing and looks so beautiful on you!
xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
Thank you!
Lovely photos!!
I love the holiday vibe of this post!!
You have pretty nice coats 🙂
Thank you 🙂
Hey what a fun addition to your blog! Love the life updates! And ice skating sounds like such a fun little date!
Thank you!
Hello Lorna,
first of all, congratulations on your participation in the Fashion Blog of the Year competition and your top 10 entry. I personally think that you belong higher in the list, but anyway, maybe you are thus motivated to keep climbing and finally put the flag on the top next year.
I like the way you organized this post in particular with this choice and arrangement of photos. It’s also really nice that you decided to take piano lessons and develop your talent in this regard. Are you going to take something like crash course or you plan to invest more time in it? Although when I think of it, a crash course doesn’t resonate with piano lessons quite well especially in your case as I think you are not in the habit of doing things superficially.
I never learned the notes and music was my least favorite school subject. However, music has become my second personality (in the form of listening only though haha) with interests ranging from „ In the hall of the mountain king“ (I confess, I’m humming it right now 🙂 ) to Imagine Dragons or Maroon 5.
If you are really into this human origins and aliens stuff I can recommend to you the book „Our cosmic origins“ by A. Delsemme. By the way an interesting concept is that actually we all are aliens since life emerged from elements that were forged in the hearts of supernovas. This makes all of us parts from some stars, even the Topshop customer service I guess (ok, maybe they originate from some collateral by-products though haha).
You are a wonderful person, Lorna. Merry Christmas, stay positive and let your health really improve next year. Health comes first!
Thanks for that info, Steven! Yes I am definitely into that, so I will look it up. I find it really intriguing about the Rhesus Negative genes and positive genes too. I’m negative, which means I don’t have the evolution of a monkey in my DNA, so it fascinates me! Regarding piano, I will be taking lessons with an instructor, no crash course, I don’t even know if you can do that lol! But as always, thank you for reading, thank you for joining the conversation and being a part of my blog this year!
I have to admire Adam for even venturing into the ice for 3 minutes. That’s probably 3 (or even 4) minutes longer than I would consider doing. LOL I am so phobic about ice since I had my icy pavement accident 9 years ago… the thought of voluntarily stepping into an icy surface makes me shudder. 😀
I agree with you on avocado. It’s a decent ingredient to include in a meal but I don’t see it as being the main focus… the modern day obsession that has made it such a fashion food kind of baffles me. 🙂
The piano lessons sound like a great new hobby for you. I hope that you have lots of fun with those. 🙂 I have zero musical ability myself – alas my brother got all of that. LOL
Oh no, sorry to hear that! I can understand the fear though as Adam’s very scared of it too, so I was proud of him for even trying 🙂 I never understand the fascination with avocado either, especially when it’s on toast or the main focus of meals lol!