Staying Home

I can never catch a break at the moment, ha ha. My blog access to my admin was down for just over a week and I couldn’t write any blog posts, but it’s finally back up and running. How is everyone managing with the lock down? I know not every country is in one, but for us here in the UK, we are. We are only allowed out to go to do essential grocery shopping, to get medical supplies, and to exercise alone for a short amount of time, to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

I stay in mostly all the time anyway, only going out in the daytime sometimes for lunch, because I work from home and don’t enjoy nightlife out. I will admit it is hard though, staying in like this constantly. How is everyone else managing? What are some of the things you’re doing to combat the boredom?

For those of you interested in my outfit, I’m wearing an Allsaints shirt and my L’AGENCE Margot Skinny Jeans, but I wasn’t going to make this blog post about the outfit, I was going to keep it about the staying in prospect as that’s what everyone is going through at the moment. Anyway, I hope you’re all well and keeping safe away from the virus? Let me know! Lorna xx.

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  1. April 4, 2020 / 8:05 pm

    Lovely photos, Lorna! I’m glad you are staying indoors mostly, so am I. I’m retired and like to be home so this isn’t too bad but still boring! Be safe Lorna. 🙏🏻🥰

    • Lorna
      April 12, 2020 / 6:51 pm

      Thank you so much, John! I hope you’re staying safe too! I really do!

  2. Ali
    April 4, 2020 / 9:00 pm

    It’s really hard. I’m gardening and sitting out where I can and baking. You look really good Lorna. Keep well xz

    • Lorna
      April 12, 2020 / 6:51 pm

      Gardening and baking is always good!

  3. John Cashion
    April 5, 2020 / 12:51 am

    Hi Lorna! I really like your outfit. I always liked you in black jeans. I have an office job and have been directed to work from home (I’m in Australia) I do tend to get really distracted though, he he, be it Facebook, games on my iPhone or music. I really hope you are doing OK as I know that you have had a tough time over the past year xx



    • Lorna
      April 12, 2020 / 6:52 pm

      Hi John! Thank you so much! Hows everything going with the working from home? Well? Try not to get too distracted, ha ha.

    • Lorna
      April 12, 2020 / 6:52 pm

      Oh how is that going at the grocery store?

  4. Carolyn Kidd
    April 5, 2020 / 4:04 am

    Hello lorna…all the way from Australia! I’ve only recently stumbled upon your website, and have been enjoying your content, including reading about your mental health struggles (more about that in a moment). The virus is obviously occupying everyone’s thoughts atm as we all come to terms with our new way of living. We’re not officially in total shutdown like you and New Zealand, but social isolation is being strongly encouraged in some states and strictly enforced in others. Unfortunately though some people are blatantly flouting the rules and still gathering in large numbers and being oblivious to the 1.5 metre rule in supermarkets. And the more people who do this, the more the governments crack down. I don’t think any of us could have imagined even a few months back that a virus could cause such devastation and upheaval in such a short period of time. I did want to touch on you sharing your battles with anxiety…very, very brave of you and so important that those of us who suffer from anxiety or who have suffered in the past, share our experiences so we keep on breaking down the stigma. I too have had my battles, being diagnosed with Generalised Anxiety Disorder and depression in 2013, and I spent a month in mental health facilities. Luckily I’ve come out the other side and made a full recovery and have got my life back, even better than before. But I absolutely don’t take my good fortune for granted and make sure I keep doing the basics as well as I can. It sounds like you also do this. I’m very grateful that I started practicing yoga about ten years before my breakdown, so I was able to use all that I had learnt as I made my recovery. I don’t know whether yoga is a part of your life, but I have found that restorative yoga is an incredibly powerful way of stilling the mind and thus helping with anxiety. There’s a wonderful book that I highly recommend, and if you were interested, I’d pass on the details. Take care and stay safe, Carolyn

    • Lorna
      April 12, 2020 / 7:01 pm

      Hi Carolyn! Sorry for the delay in replying, I wanted to make sure I had time to write a decent response and everything has been up in the air at the moment. It is crazy how much the entire world has changed and been shut down, none of us have experienced anything like this at all before, so it’s really surreal sometimes and I’m wondering when it’s going to end. We’re on a distance of 2 meters apart from people if we have to go to the store, and there’s a system in place for only allowing certain amounts of people in the grocery store at a time etc.

      Regarding anxiety, yeah, I’ve suffered with it since I was a little kid. I’ve not really known my life without anxiety, but there’s definitely times when it’s almost non existent in my brain and times where it’s absolutely crippling. The last month or so has been crippling anxiety for me, as everything is out of routine, it’s all different, everything is uncertain, and I hate that. Meditation is a part of my life, but yoga I haven’t done because of my EDS. I need to be sure not to over extend. I’d love to hear your book recommendation though? Stay safe! Lorna xx.

  5. Frogger
    April 5, 2020 / 3:05 pm

    Hope you are alright, Almost full lockdown here aswell. Great outfit byvthe way 🙂

    • Lorna
      April 12, 2020 / 6:53 pm

      Thank you very much 🙂

  6. voguefauxreal
    April 5, 2020 / 10:02 pm

    I love that cropped shirt with the leggings (skinny jeans?) – it looks comfy but ready to head out the door at the same time The restrictions are pretty much the same across the USA as yours, though they’re leaving it up to the states to set their own restrictions. I’m still going in to my office as mine is a hands-on job and not as much computer work but I do plan to take a day or two off here and there since business has slowed down. I think at this point if we get the virus, it will be while shopping for groceries :/ Glad to hear you’re safe and healthy so far and I’m hoping this runs its course fast!


    • Lorna
      April 12, 2020 / 6:53 pm

      I hope you’re keeping healthy and well! Yeah, I saw that each state has different rules!

  7. Michael
    April 5, 2020 / 10:25 pm

    Starting our fourth week in confinement, here in Spain…
    We’re fed up with the situation, but the bickering coming from our parliament is almost worse than the increasing numbers of casualties.
    Luckily it would seem that the spread has been halted here as the daily roster of deaths is getting lower and the people who are getting cured is increasing day after day.

    How about a post on what you do to fight boredom…?

    Keep well Lorna. This virus is lethal for people like you who have chronic ailments. It’s not a joke. I know of four people under 40 who have been hospitalised. Thankfully they’ve got through it now.

    • Lorna
      April 12, 2020 / 6:55 pm

      Hi Michael! How is everything going? I heard lock down restrictions are being removed in Spain? So that’s hopeful, right? I don’t really have much to say about how I fight boredom, but I’m planning on writing a post today with thoughts on things.

      • Michael
        April 12, 2020 / 10:08 pm

        You had me worried there, Lorna, not answering for over a week…

        I’m afraid you did not hear correctly or the information was misleading…

        Two weeks ago the confinement measures here in Spain were toughened due to the curve of infected people going up. Only essential activities were allowed to keep running. As of tomorrow, Monday 13th, we’re back to square one; confinement for almost everybody (students, teachers, show biz, bars, restaurants, etc.) and absolutely no leaving house confinement except for shopping groceries or going to the chemist. Kids have already been a whole month without being able to go outside… our cities aren’t like those in the UK. Most families don’t have gardens and we’re not allowed to stroll or exercise in the open.

        We have at least two more weeks to go on like this and the Head of Government has already said that there will be another two after that for sure…

        So there you have an update on what to expect; Wuhan spent two and a half months in confinement; Italy is two weeks ahead of Spain; Spain is two weeks ahead of the rest of Europe (incuding the UK); and the US is in for a nasty one with no public social or medical care to speak of!

        • Lorna
          April 16, 2020 / 3:13 am

          Wow, thank you for updating me on that, Michael! Yeah, I didn’t know it was that bad. It’s such crazy times right now, I can’t believe how long it’s going to be for everyone, seriously. That must be tough without gardens. Luckily I have a garden here! But the weather is not great to sit outside anyway.

          • Michael
            April 16, 2020 / 3:07 pm

            I’m glad you seem to be alright… we’ll get through this -together-
            Take care, Lorna.


            • Lorna
              April 21, 2020 / 4:29 am

              Yeah, we will!

  8. April 6, 2020 / 5:13 am

    Such a fun blouse! 🙂

    Hope that you had a lovely weekend 🙂 We all stayed home and stayed safe of course. They aren’t calling it a lock down here but they are putting limits on what we can do to try prevent us spreading anything. It’s a bit strange for the kids but they are coping okay mostly. They do miss their grandparents but a quick call quickly dries up the tears! 🙂

    • Lorna
      April 12, 2020 / 6:55 pm

      Awh that’s sweet they miss their grandparents 🙂 Hows everything going over there, Mica?

  9. Saba
    April 6, 2020 / 11:15 pm

    Hi Lorna!

    It’s lovely to see you’re back and posting again. I hope you’re safe and well. You look very stylish, and the images turned out very well, even though they’re taken inside.

    It is quite hard having to stay at home continuously, but I’m trying to stay active and busy, and keep a positive frame of mind. Going for a daily walk for an hour or so has become the highlight of my day! I’m also following my favourite blogs, and watching one good quality tv programme in the evenings, once I have done my main work for the day.

    Lots of love Saba xx

    • Lorna
      April 12, 2020 / 6:56 pm

      That sounds like you are getting through it all ok, Saba! I’m doing the same kind of thing too! I’m glad I’m back posting too!

    • Lorna
      April 12, 2020 / 6:56 pm

      Thank you!

    • Lorna
      April 12, 2020 / 6:56 pm

      Thank you so much!

  10. April 13, 2020 / 2:42 pm

    You look so stunning in these pictures Hun! Hope you’re having a nice week 🙂 x

    Grace ||

    • Lorna
      April 16, 2020 / 3:13 am

      Thank you so much 🙂

  11. April 18, 2020 / 10:51 pm

    Good to know that works too! I learn so much from you as well! Keep it up great post.

    • Lorna
      April 21, 2020 / 4:30 am

      Hope you’re well!

    • Lorna
      April 21, 2020 / 4:30 am

      Thank you so much!

  12. Steven Whaley
    April 27, 2020 / 9:54 pm

    Very nice outfit. 🙂 That’s such a pretty shirt.

    The lock down is so strange for me with still going out to work as a key worker. It’s like the dull parts of my life are still in place whilst the fun parts (such as seeing friends and family) have been confiscated. It’s not great for my mental health but we have to do what we have to do.

    Also, seeing as on my days off I’m barely doing anything, I’m finding that on a lot of days I’m not making any effort at all with my clothes and what I’m choosing to wear… LOL

    • Lorna
      April 30, 2020 / 3:41 am

      I know, it’s crazy isn’t it, how different life has become right now? I’m gonna have to start doing more baking, lol 🙂

      • Steven Whaley
        May 2, 2020 / 11:16 am

        That’s a great idea but good luck in finding the flour! That’s the major barrier to baking right now. 😉 LOL

        • Lorna
          May 2, 2020 / 6:10 pm

          I still have some gluten free flour in the cupboard, ha ha 🙂

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