Wall Art Inspiration

If there’s one thing that I have been into since last year, it’s home improvement and decor. If you have followed me for a while, you will know that I spent a great deal of time in IKEA last year, getting the PAX system for my wardrobe and making it exactly how I wanted it, but things took a nose dive this year and the project still isn’t complete as I need doors and a few other things. One area I am shining in right now though is the decor in my bedroom, and I’m loving a more minimal approach (as my walls used to be cluttered with old posters). I have an array of cacti and green plants, as well as faux plants, but my favourite things at the moment are my wall part pieces.

As you can see from my photos, I’ve gone with some beautiful prints that I framed in white wooden frames, and they really give a romantic feel to my bedroom. Wall art is a love of mine, and even though I haven’t done a feature wall here, I love the prints that I chose. A beautiful sunset with purple hues, a foggy and majestic day at the beach, a lavender field, and a stunning shot of a house and the ocean. I purposely chose blue and purple as my colour palette here so that they would blend together, creating a harmonious hue instead of bold and daring colours. I find this is really soothing in a bedroom as it allows your eyes to rest and gives you an inner calmness.

The prints that I got and framed are from Desenio, and they have thousands to choose from. I spent over an hour going through them all and picking out the pieces that I wanted. I want to talk about the ocean view that I put on my bedside table too, with an IKEA pot plant. I love having it next to me so that I can look over at it, and take in the view. I know people usually think that art and pictures are for hanging on the walls only, but there’s something about using them as ornamental objects that creates a more dimensional and interesting look. Especially if you have a colour palette that works well together.

For those of you who are looking for more inspiration and would love to create a feature wall, Desenio have that tool online and it’s amazing! You can actually plan your wall out with the digital version, and it’s so easy to use. Since I wasn’t going to get many prints myself, I didn’t do this as I don’t have a large enough wall to create a focal point like that, but for those of you who do, I recommend it because I’ve seen some amazing looking feature walls on social media, which I think are incredible! I included a few below actually for some inspiration for you, but I’m sure you can come up with your own theme! Are you a fan of wall art and feature walls? Let me know what you think of mine! Lorna xx.

P.S. – They also have a code at the moment called DESENIOX30 and it gives you 30% off Desenio prints only (not valid on frames nor handpicked/personalised categories), but it ends tonight at midnight, so be quick if you’re ordering any!

Some feature wall inspiration for you below! Aren’t they pretty?!

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  1. Saba
    September 4, 2020 / 8:48 pm

    Hi Lorna!

    The prints you’ve chosen for your room are lovely, and the colour combinations are very soothing to look at. It makes a big difference having art prints to look at in your living space, and makes it feel more like a home.

    I especially like the print with the ocean and sunset colours. It reminds me of a giant poster I had when I was a youngster that I got from Athena. I was always going there whenever I’d saved up a few pounds, to see what new art work they had. Do you remember that store? I was sad when it closed, as it was one of the gems of the local high street. It may have been a little before your time though!

    It’s always great to see a new post from you.

    I hope you have a fab weekend.

    Lots of love Saba xx

    • Lorna
      September 9, 2020 / 3:24 am

      Hi Saba!
      No, I’ve never heard of that store before? Maybe it was a local one? But I didn’t really shop for posters or anything when I was younger, so maybe that’s why I haven’t heard of it?
      So glad you love the prints here, they are gorgeous! They’re so relaxing to look at, and you’re right, they do make it feel like home!

  2. September 5, 2020 / 4:30 am

    What a lovely print! I like the feature walls too, although I love it my hubby isn’t a fan of the asymmetrical look – I might get a feature wall setup in my walk in wardrobe though, as it would be out of his way, haha!

    Hope that you are having a lovely weekend 🙂

    • Lorna
      September 9, 2020 / 3:22 am

      So glad you like it, Mica! That would be really cool if you did it in your walk in closet 🙂

  3. September 11, 2020 / 7:47 am

    What lovely prints! The prints you’ve chosen for your room are lovely, and the colour combinations are very soothing to look at.

    • Lorna
      September 12, 2020 / 2:09 am

      Thank you! Glad you like them!

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