The Right Skincare Routine Order: How to Layer Products

The Right Skincare Routine Order: How to Layer Products

With many different beauty brands and skincare products available, it can be difficult to know which order you should apply your skincare in. What’s the importance of applying skincare in a particular order, you might be asking? Well, you need to apply your skincare products in a certain order to ensure each product works effectively so you’re getting its full potential and seeing visible results in your skin.

The general rule when applying skin care is going in order from the lightest to the heaviest product. If you begin with the heaviest products, the lighter products will not be able to penetrate through and absorb in your skin. While you don’t need a big and complicated skincare routine, there are a few products you should be using as a minimum.

Step 1: Cleanser

The first step in your skincare routine, both morning and night, should always be a cleanser. At night, you must make sure you have removed all your makeup and washed your face before you apply any skincare products. Double cleansing is a surefire way to remove all the makeup, sunscreen and oil on your face, so start with a cleansing oil or balm and follow up with a gentle cleanser. If your face isn’t completely clean, ingredients in skincare products won’t absorb properly. I use a micellar water first to remove the makeup, then I follow with the cleansing.

Step 2: Toner

After cleansing, if you want to, you can apply a toner (morning and/or night). Toner will refresh and hydrate your skin, wipe away any excess oils, tighten your pores, and rebalance pH levels. It will also help the ingredients in your next steps work better. To apply your toner, gently tap the product onto clean, dry skin and wait at least a minute before applying any further products. I personally don’t use a toner, but I know a lot do, so this should be step two of any skincare regime.

Step 3: Serum

Serums are a way to level up a basic skincare routine and can be used either in the morning or at night. Depending on your skin type and skin concerns, facial serums serve several different purposes including hydrating, brightening, and anti-ageing. If you are applying multiple serums, you should always follow the thin-to-thick rule as thicker serums can hinder the absorption of thinner, watery serums. I love serums and always find them so useful and hydrating, which makes such a difference to my skin luminosity.

Step 4: Spot Treatment

Step four of your skincare routine should be spot treatments. Spot treatments only need to be applied once a day and work best when applied at night. This is because at nighttime your body works the most to restore and repair itself. Spot treatments and other products for pigmentation can be used to target skin concerns like dark spots, hyperpigmentation and acne scars. When applying your spot treatment, dab a thin layer over the spot and wait for it to dry.

Step 5: Moisturiser

A moisturiser should be used as part of your skincare routine twice a day, both in the morning and at night. When you are applying a moisturiser straight after the spot treatment, you should moisturise around your spots before gently dabbing moisturiser on top of the spot treatment. This prevents the spot treatment from being rubbed all over the face. Moisturiser is a crucial step in your skincare routine as the skin barrier needs hydration to remain healthy. When applying moisturiser, wait 5 to 10 minutes before putting on any makeup to give the moisturiser time to soak in. I often use a day time one for the morning, and a more intensive nighttime one for the night. I find this really important if I’m spot treating, as your skin can get dry.

Step 6: Sunscreen

Sunscreen is an absolute must in your morning skincare routine and should always be applied as the last step. Sunscreen works as a barrier to protect your skin against sun damage, premature ageing and hyperpigmentation. It can also help reduce your risk of certain cancers. Even if your makeup has some SPF, it is recommended you apply SPF 30 at a minimum to protect your skin – and don’t forget your neck! Even if you aren’t being directly exposed to the sun and are indoors, you should still apply sunscreen to help protect your skin as the UV rays can come through clouds and windows. This is a step you do not want to miss if you are using specific acids and treatments in your skincare routine, as they can make your skin much more sensitive to the sun and cause damage.

Layering Products Like a Pro

Layering skincare products can, at times, be confusing and it can be tricky to remember which order to apply products. If there’s one rule to take away and keep in mind, remember the thin-to-thick rule. Following this order will make sure that you get all the benefits possible from your skincare and see visible results. I hope this article helps!


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