It’s All About The Cactus Shirt


The Topshop Cactus Shirt With Skinny Jeans

You have probably guessed (if you follow me on social media) that I love plants, especially cacti, so when I came across this Topshop Cactus Print Shirt, I literally HAD to have it, without question. Isn’t it so cute? It’s one of my favourite shirts that I own now and I’ve already worn it numerous times. It’s a viscose blend, so it’s really soft and comfortable, but it’s slightly oversized too so it’s breezy. It made the perfect shirt to wear on holiday in St. Ives when the temperature had dropped a little bit. I could honestly have this Topshop Cactus Shirt in a size UK 6, which is my normal size, but they only had an 8 and I liked the looser fit of it, so opted for that one instead.

I chose to pair my Cactus Shirt with my trusty Citizens of Humanity Rocket Jeans in Spritz which I pretty much live in. I thought the classic blue denim combination with the shirt would be ideal. Now when it comes to shoes, I tend to suffer blisters a lot because I have such delicate skin, but I haven’t really ever gotten on with mules or backless shoes because they can be quite tight across the tops of my feet due to my higher arches, so when I saw these Jenni Kayne Suede Mules in Saddle online, I thought they would be absolutely perfect. Not only are they a really comfortable suede, but they have elastic inserts on them too so that when you walk, they stretch with your foot and don’t cut in. They are amazing! I’m usually between a UK 6-7 or EU 39-40, so I took these in a 39.5 and they fit perfectly. I’ve worn these loads too!

For my accessories, I chose my Michael Kors Selma Bag in Luggage as this is the one I took with me on holiday as it’s large enough to carry my things, but not heavy. I then wore my Olivia Burton Humming Bird Watch with various bracelets and my TRIWA Sunglasses, to finish it off. I know this isn’t typically a beach outfit, which is why I actually decided to take the photos on the rocks and cliffs, to change things up a bit and give it more of a desert vibe, to match the cacti. I quite like how everything turned out, do you? And if you are wondering, yep, I did climb up the rocks, really high (without shoes) and then brought my stuff up with me to get the high up shots. Right at the very top (which you saw on Snapchat and Instagram) there was the most amazing views all across the ocean! Stunning! Anyway, let me know what you think of my outfit and the shirt or shoes!


What I Was Wearing:
Shirt – Topshop
Jeans – Citizens of Humanity
Shoes – Jenni Kayne
Bag – Michael Kors
Sunglasses – TRIWA
Watch – Olivia Burton

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  1. July 16, 2016 / 6:06 pm

    Lovely shirt and jeans. Great looking casual appearance. ???

    • Lorna
      July 18, 2016 / 6:38 pm

      Thank you!

    • Lorna
      July 18, 2016 / 6:38 pm

      Thank you 🙂

  2. July 16, 2016 / 6:28 pm

    Great outfit Lorna! I like how the color of your shoes and purse work with the shirt and jeans. The shirt is great! it’s cool to see something unique and vibrant like that now and then. Of course the jeans are awesome as well! They are the perfect wash to go with the shirt!

    • Lorna
      July 18, 2016 / 6:38 pm

      Thanks so much, Tommy! I’m really glad you love everything!

    • Lorna
      July 18, 2016 / 6:39 pm

      Glad you love it!

    • Lorna
      July 18, 2016 / 6:39 pm

      Thank you so much!

    • Lorna
      July 18, 2016 / 6:39 pm

      Thank you!

  3. July 17, 2016 / 4:19 am

    Lorna the cacti print shirt is really cute… it looks grateful on you. I like buying one size up as I don’t like my close being to restrictive. What an adorable pair of mule flats, I have same issue with my feet, high arches that needs good and comfortable shoes xox ♡♡

    • Lorna
      July 18, 2016 / 6:40 pm

      Really glad you love it, Launna! And I know, high arches are a trouble maker aren’t they? Ha ha.

  4. July 17, 2016 / 9:40 am

    That is a lovely printed shirt – and it goes so nicely with denim! 🙂

    I think you picked a lovely spot to take photos – hopefully it wasn’t too scary climbing the rocks though!

    Hope you’re having a great weekend 🙂

    Away From The Blue Blog

    • Lorna
      July 18, 2016 / 6:40 pm

      No it was fun! I love doing stuff like that as it reminds me of my childhood! Glad you love it!

  5. July 17, 2016 / 11:08 am

    You look incredibly beautiful as always Lorna! I adore the cactus-print blouse! It suits you perfectly, and has a really fun feel to it! The rocky backdrop is ideal for your outfit photos, and you were very brave to climb all the way to the top with all your gear! I admire that kind of dedication. I bet the ocean views were amazing and hopefully worth the climb!

    p.s – I love your Olivia Burton hummingbird watch whenever you wear it!

    Saba xx

    • Lorna
      July 18, 2016 / 6:41 pm

      It was amazing up there, Saba! The views were just SO stunning! I could have stayed up there all day. Really happy you love everything, especially my Olivia Burton! xx.

      • July 18, 2016 / 11:57 pm

        Wow that’s great Lorna! I’m glad to hear the views were amazing, and your effort paid off! It must have been breathtaking up there.

        It’s always delightful to see your outfits, as you put so much thought into each look, and it shows. xx

        • Lorna
          July 19, 2016 / 1:33 am

          Thank you, Saba! That really means a lot to me! I’m glad it’s appreciated xx.

    • Lorna
      July 18, 2016 / 6:42 pm

      Thank you!

    • Lorna
      July 18, 2016 / 6:42 pm

      Thank you!!

  6. Steven W
    July 17, 2016 / 9:58 pm

    Oh, I absolutely love the shirt. 😀 Obviously with cacti there is going to be an amount of green involved and that’s always a winner. Aside from the colours though I think it’s a really pretty and quirky design. 🙂 It pairs very nicely with those gorgeous jeans too. 🙂

    The setting for these shots is wonderful. There are so many colours and shades in those rocks and many of them compliment your shirt really nicely too. Lovely set of photos, Lorna. 😀

    • Lorna
      July 18, 2016 / 6:45 pm

      Thank you, Steven! I’m really happy you like it! I thought you would, since it’s green, but I just love cacti so much! Do you own any?

      • Steven W
        July 18, 2016 / 10:38 pm

        No, I’ve only got three plants in my home and they are all in my fish tank! 😉 I suppose I could manage to care for cacti though – even I could probably keep them alive. 😀 I’m not a natural for looking after plants well. 🙂

        • Lorna
          July 18, 2016 / 10:41 pm

          Neither was I actually! All the plants I used to have when I was younger would always end up dying! But since I did a lot of research into caring for them properly, they are doing so well and really flourishing 😀

          • October 16, 2016 / 6:04 pm

            Hey Lorna, I’ve just been watching a Coronation Street episode from last month and one of the characters, Alya Nazir, was wearing this very same cactus shirt. It took me a moment to realize where I’d seen it before! 😀 Google it if you don’t watch the show. 😉

            • Lorna
              October 16, 2016 / 6:34 pm

              I googled it! That’s so cool! Ha ha!

              • October 16, 2016 / 8:19 pm

                Yeah, another of the characters often wears a shirt that I have. 🙂 LOL

                • Lorna
                  October 17, 2016 / 1:59 am

                  Which one? 🙂

                  • October 19, 2016 / 9:52 pm

                    Kirk Sutherland often wears a pale blue shirt that has red stars on it. I have the shirt but wear it less since he started to wear it – as he’s a bit of an idiot in the show. 😀

                    • Lorna
                      October 19, 2016 / 11:54 pm

                      I’m gonna have to go Google this guy, ha ha 🙂

  7. July 18, 2016 / 8:43 am

    Such a fun printed blouse!! And I’m LOVINGy your shoes! GREAT outfit!!

    All the Cute ?

    • Lorna
      July 18, 2016 / 6:43 pm

      Thank you so much, Amber!

  8. David
    July 18, 2016 / 2:34 pm

    It’s all about that ASS! ?

    • Lorna
      July 18, 2016 / 6:43 pm

      Lol, hello David 🙂

      • Kevin M Collver
        August 14, 2016 / 9:11 am

        I concur, your ass and those jeans are a perfect match! Both are gorgeous 🙂

        • Lorna
          August 14, 2016 / 7:10 pm

          Thank you 🙂

  9. Michael
    July 18, 2016 / 3:30 pm

    Holy moly…Wow!!

    • Lorna
      July 18, 2016 / 6:43 pm

      Thanks, Michael!

  10. July 19, 2016 / 12:51 am

    Pra mim aquele shampoo tem efeito contrário – deixa o meu cabelo oleoso! =(

    Adoro suas fotos! O look ficou muito bonito. Adorei a camisa com cactos!

    Ótima segunda!

    Beijo! ^^

    • Lorna
      July 19, 2016 / 1:33 am

      I’m not sure if this translated correctly, but what did you mean about shampoo and oily hair? Glad you love the cactus shirt though!

  11. July 20, 2016 / 3:55 pm

    cute outfit


    • Lorna
      July 20, 2016 / 4:04 pm

      Thank you!

    • Lorna
      July 21, 2016 / 6:38 pm

      Thank you!

  12. Christina
    July 23, 2016 / 1:57 pm

    Your bum looks lovely in those jeans. You are one of the few bloggers who includes some shots of your back and behind. That’s awesome to get a good overview of your outfit and how it fits you. As the location looks like a beach – did you ever think of going into the water in your clothes just to have some fun and cheering the whole blog thing a bit up? I guess this outfit would also look great when wet. Even if the denim would only be partly wet – straight to the bum. Maybe an idea for a future blog entry. Just a few thoughts =)
    Keep up the great work! I love what you’re doing.


    • Lorna
      July 24, 2016 / 11:50 am

      Ha ha, yeah I wasn’t going to do that. The water is absolutely freezing and as I was on holiday, I didn’t pack that many clothes with me and those were the only jeans I had, so if they got wet and dirty, I wouldn’t have any others to wear. It wouldn’t have been practical. I have dress outfits that we shot in the water though if you check out the rest of my looks =)

  13. July 26, 2016 / 11:59 am

    That cactus shirt is just adorable! And I love that you climbed the rocks shoe-less LOL, then did the photoshoot. I always love the backstories behind photos 🙂


    • Lorna
      July 26, 2016 / 3:54 pm

      Ha ha 😀 So glad you like it!

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