Happy Christmas From Lorna Reindeer

Merry Christmas Everyone!

It’s Christmas Eve! How did that happen? This week leading up to Christmas has been really fun though. I’ve spent the entire week with Adam (he’s back home with family now) and we’ve done a lot of cool things – one of which I will be sharing with you in my next post after Christmas. Although if you follow me on Instagram (@LornaRaindrops), you can see a preview in my IG stories on my account! That’s if you can’t wait until the 28th!

I know the previous years I’ve done Christmas costumes (like Mrs. Claus and an Elf), but this year I decided not to as it’s much too cold and I was trying to limit stress. Instead, I went for something festive and cute! I got these reindeer antlers on a headband from Accessorize a couple of weeks ago in preparation, they are sold out now unfortunately, but they’re adorable! They’re glittery and have little bells on the holly inside the ears. So cute!

Now getting to the star of the show, this Christmas jumper! I asked you on IG in a poll if you wanted to see me style it and most of you said yes! It’s an Oasis Fairisle Pink Jumper that I picked up on ASOS and it’s gorgeous! You don’t often see neon pink jumpers with fairisle as they’re always in the Christmas colours, so I love this one! A cashier woman at a shop said she loved it on me too and thought the pink was pretty. It sold out on ASOS within 2 days and now they have a couple back in stock, but it’s mostly sold out everywhere, so be quick. I have size S if that helps at all.

I styled the Oasis jumper with my MOTHER Denim Skinny Jeans in Grey and then finished it off with my Rockfish Wellies in Metallic Fuchsia Pink! I thought they were the ultimate perfect shade to match the Christmas jumper and I was right. Since we decided on the farm as the location, they came in really handy anyway. It was getting dark when we shot the photos, but I think that just added to the festive feel in the end, especially with the Christmas tree lights in the background on some of them.

So anyway, I genuinely want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas! Thank you so much for supporting me and my fashion blog this year! I hope you can relax and enjoy the holiday season with your friends and family. It’s going to be a quiet one this year for me, which I’m really looking forward to. I’m going to eat what I want on Christmas day (within reason) and just suffer the consequences afterwards, and enjoy all the shows and movies that are on! Quiet and festive. How are you all spending it? And of course, let me know what you think of the outfit! Lorna xx.

Buy this Oasis Fairisle Jumper here at ASOS.com

What I Was Wearing:
Jumper – Oasis
Jeans – MOTHER
Wellies – Rockfish
Reindeer Ears – Accessorize

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  1. December 24, 2017 / 2:44 pm

    Happy Christmas Lorna, I wish you all the best in 2018 and good health. ❤️

    • Lorna
      December 24, 2017 / 4:15 pm

      Thank you, John! Merry Christmas to you too!

  2. December 24, 2017 / 7:20 pm

    Happy Christmas Lorna. I hope you have a wonderful time. Christmas Day will be quiet for me too. It will just be me, my parents and my grandad. We will exchange gifts, have a delicious Christmas dinner and then I will watch the Doctor Who Christmas episode. 😀 Things will get lively the day after when my nephew arrives…

    Your pink jumper is a delight! It’s very vivid and pretty and a perfect match to pair with those wellies. The antlers are fun! Cool that they have bells in them so you can “jingle all the way” as you are walking about.

    • Lorna
      December 25, 2017 / 1:16 am

      It’s going to be quiet, which I am excited about! Dr. Who is what I am looking forward to as well! I can’t wait for it! 😀

      • December 31, 2017 / 8:57 pm

        So… what did you think to the Doctor Who episode? I liked it for the most part but I think I’ll need to watch it a second time (alone) to fully appreciate it. I mean I couldn’t really demand total silence in my parents’ living room while it was on on Christmas Day could I? 😉 LOL

        • Lorna
          December 31, 2017 / 11:30 pm

          That’s the same for me, it was quite loud and distraction was around, so I couldn’t take it in fully, but I thought it was cool. I loved some of the old/new jokes about the sexism and his glasses when he asked about browser history, ha ha. I’m intrigued to know what’s happening though at the end and how she’s going to survive the fall with the Tardis blown up! 😀

          • January 1, 2018 / 12:01 pm

            The sexism jokes bothered me. The original 1st Doctor, William Hartnell, is my favourite Doctor and he certainly didn’t wander around the universe making sexist comments during his time on the show. Not at all… (Maybe not least because the original producer of the show was the first ever female producer of any show in the history of the BBC – Doctor Who has always been ahead of the curve on things like this.) So I’ve no idea why they put that stuff into this episode other than for laughs. It annoys me that people not familiar with the original series will get the false impression that the 1st Doctor was sexist. 🙁 He just never was.

            That said though, I liked the rest of the episode and the general story line of it. It tied up the last few remaining loose ends from the Peter Capaldi era. It’s just a pity there’s so long to wait now until Jodie Whittaker’s first series.

            • Lorna
              January 2, 2018 / 3:26 am

              Oh wow, that’s actually news to me, so I’m glad you said! I haven’t seen any of the very original first ones as you know, so that’s actually strange they would do that. I’m guessing maybe it was just for laughs because of the era we’re living in now? And maybe they’re thinking not many will be familiar with the very original series, so they can get away with it? How many complaints have their been? It’s a shame they changed it like that, although I do admit I found it funny as it was very reminiscent of the time back then in general. When does the next series air? I thought it was soon, that sucks we have to wait lol. Always waiting! I did enjoy it though and got very used to Peter as the Doctor, despite me taking a while to warm to him in the beginning. I know it’s going to be hard adjusting to Jodie though, for everyone I imagine 🙂

              • January 2, 2018 / 1:13 pm

                Yes, the “smacked bottom” comment is the only one that has any genuine grounding in the 1st Doctor’s era. He did say that (only once) – but it was to his own teenage grandaughter, Susan. The stuff about “cleaning” and “dusting” and “all women being made of glass” all came from absolutely nowhere in terms of the character.

                On reflection I think the dramatic intention was to increases the impact of Jodie Whittaker’s female Doctor by making the 1st Doctor a bit sexist. I suppose the journey from male sexist to female has some dramatic satisfaction? It disappointed me though. It might also have been the producers having a satirical dig at the minority of fans who are still uncomfortable with having a female Doctor – but I can’t imagine this will have helped to bring them around.

                I don’t know if there have been any formal complaints. I guess that a few older fans like me who know and love the 1st Doctor will be a bit irritated but newer fans might not have detected much wrong.

                So far as I know the next series begins in the autumn of this year… So far away…

                • Lorna
                  January 2, 2018 / 4:17 pm

                  You could be right actually, Steven. That’s probably why they did it. The change from male to female and putting in sexist remarks might have been there to stop the complaints about it being a woman, making it more like she deserves the role to defeat sexism. I can understand why they would have done that, but tarnishing the other Doctors reputation in the process isn’t a good thing!

                  Autumn?!?! There’s me thinking it was Spring, ha ha. Wow, that’s so long to wait.

    • Lorna
      December 25, 2017 / 1:14 am

      Thank you, Julie! Happy Christmas!

  3. Mark
    December 24, 2017 / 11:01 pm


    • Lorna
      December 25, 2017 / 1:14 am


  4. December 25, 2017 / 8:15 am

    Merry Christmas Lorna!

    • Lorna
      December 25, 2017 / 2:23 pm

      Merry Christmas!

    • Lorna
      December 26, 2017 / 3:17 pm

      Merry Christmas!

  5. December 26, 2017 / 7:30 am

    Wow Lorna, What a wonderful outfit. Such a cute jumper and it matches perfectly with those sexy wellies.
    I love the combo with those jeans too, just perfect. I have similar jeans and I almost feel enticed to do a similar photoshoot 😉 . Have a wonderful Christmas and stay sexy in your wellies.

    • Lorna
      December 26, 2017 / 3:18 pm

      Thank you 🙂 Glad you like it!

  6. December 26, 2017 / 9:48 pm

    What a cute sweater! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas 🙂

    • Lorna
      December 27, 2017 / 3:08 am

      Thank you 🙂

  7. December 26, 2017 / 11:34 pm

    OMG this outfit is so pretty Lorna! You look so adorable with the reindeer ears and those electric pink boots are totally a statement piece, can’t take my eyes off them!

    Happy holidays!

    • Lorna
      December 27, 2017 / 3:11 am

      Thank you so much!

  8. December 27, 2017 / 11:33 am

    I remember the other “costumes:, Lorna, so sweet! I loved these reindeer antlers now, and they are glittery with bells inside, how sweet! Loved your Oasis jumper and the boots! You look always beautiful, but in pink, soooo sweet! I am a fan of Christmas jumpers! I hope you had a nice Christmas and that you have an even better ew year, with love, health, joy, fun and happiness! Hugs!

    • Lorna
      December 27, 2017 / 1:59 pm

      Thank you, Denise! So glad you like it!

  9. December 27, 2017 / 5:17 pm

    So cute! Happy holidays. I hope you had a lovely Christmas.

    • Lorna
      December 27, 2017 / 8:12 pm

      Thank you!

    • Lorna
      December 28, 2017 / 11:05 pm

      Thank you!

  10. December 28, 2017 / 9:21 pm

    Lorna I adore your neon pink fair isle jumper! It looks fabulous on you! The colour scheme is very cheerful and a nice change from the usual Christmas colours. I love the festive antlers too, it’s great they actually have bells on them! They’re the perfect festive finishing touch and make a big impact, without you having to don a complete costume. I’m glad to hear you chose warm but stylish clothes for this Christmas-themed photo shoot.

    Your celebrations sound fantastic. I hope you had fun and got everything you wished for!

    Lots of love Saba xx


    • Lorna
      December 28, 2017 / 11:05 pm

      Thank you, Saba! So pleased you liked it all!

    • Lorna
      January 8, 2018 / 4:51 pm

      Thank you so much!

    • Lorna
      December 29, 2017 / 10:21 pm

      Thank you, Kathrine!

    • Lorna
      December 29, 2017 / 10:21 pm

      Thank you! You too!

  11. Lindsey Puls
    December 29, 2017 / 6:34 pm

    Merry belated Christmas!! I love this outfit – your boots are amazing!

    • Lorna
      December 29, 2017 / 10:22 pm

      Thank you!

  12. December 29, 2017 / 9:08 pm

    I love the color of your sweater.
    Nice Christmas pics.
    Now I wish you a happy new year!!!


    • Lorna
      December 29, 2017 / 10:22 pm

      Thank you so much!

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