A March Life Update

Hi everyone! It’s been a little while since I did a life update as I skipped February entirely due to not much going on and not much to report, so I thought I would fill out March a bit more instead. I’m super annoyed at Instagram at the moment because my account seems to have a glitch on it meaning I can’t post any new photos at all, which has annoyed me. I’ve not been able to post since Thursday and they said they’re looking into it, but so far no luck!

I’m also heading to Wales in a few days time to go for my tattoo consultation, which I can’t wait for! It should be in late April that I end up getting the tattoo, and I finally know what I’m having! The tattoo you can see on my collarbone is just a temporary one from Paperself, but I will be getting a collarbone one at some point, depending on how painful my wrist one is and if I can handle it, ha ha.

Regarding things I’ve watched recently, I definitely recommend After Life and The Order on Netflix. Both of those shows have been really good! I just finished the first season of Working Mom’s as well with my mum, and we liked that. Sex Education was something I enjoyed too, great series and set in Wales which was stunning! So those are 4 things to look up on Netflix. If anyone has any other suggestions for me to watch, I would love to hear!

A few things that I have purchased, but haven’t taken photos of so couldn’t include them in pictures here as well are:

Each of these I am truly loving! Especially the L’AGENCE Margot, I cannot get enough of them! They fit so perfectly and are so flattering, I’m currently waiting for a pretty grey and light blue to come out! Anyway, I will get to the rest of the update below!

I got a new pair of sunglasses, these are the Max Mara MM Tube II Sunglasses in Tortoise that I was gifted from Smart Buy Glasses. I think they’re so cool and I’m a huge fan of the frame shape here, it’s a little more unique than I am used to. Since the weather is going to start warming up, I’m excited to get some more sunglasses this summer! What are some of your favourites?

Above are two hoodies that I got from Topshop in the sale! Love the cropped version (see it here), and if you follow me on Instagram you will have seen it last week in an outfit I wore on stories. The pink one (buy it here) I got as a more slouchy fit and it’s such a fun colour! Then there’s a pair of RAYE x House of Harlow boots just above which I think are gorgeous! I cannot wait to wear these in an outfit too!

I love this photo, it’s of me, my gran, and my mum. I visited my gran a couple of weeks ago and we took her out for the day. She lives in Bournemouth so I don’t get to go down as often as I would like to, but she’s been really sick in the hospital this past week, which was so worrying, but she’s recovering and has moved to a rehab hospital to help her with her walking. She always makes the silliest faces, ha ha. So there’s a little, closer look into my family which I don’t usually share.

I literally cannot wait for April to come either! I booked Shawn Mendes tour tickets almost a year ago (I’ve been a fan for years, not ashamed to say it) and it’s finally approaching! I’ve never been so excited! I know I went to Ed Sheeran last year, and the seats we had were up high at the back so you could barely see the stage, but I paid extra for these ones so I’m on the ground near the stage. Literally, I cannot wait, you don’t know my level of excitement, ha ha.

Some close up shots of two lace bralette tops I got from Pretty Little Thing, I was comparing both and wondered which colour you like most? It seemed to be a tie on Instagram!

Before I go into this, check out my wardrobe/room highlight on my Instagram by clicking here. I wasn’t planning on buying a new wardrobe system, but as you can see from the highlights, there was mould/mildew all behind my wardrobes from a leak we had in the roof last year and I didn’t know. I’ve cleaned it all off with tea tree oil and Adam used some mould remover (I can’t tolerate the smell) and have re-painted with Little Knights toxic, odour free paint. I found it online and bought some, and it’s amazing! Real paint with no smell, but it is expensive! Anyway, some of my clothes were ruined as the back of my wardrobe broke, so I’m in the process of building a new IKEA Pax wardrobe system, planning things, seeing how I want it. It’s going to be a lot of work and I will need to do it in two parts, but so far I am enjoying it and can’t wait to build it for real! I’m thinking of a corner unit style system like that one above, it looks perfect!

A closer look at the temporary tattoo and my Design Letters custom necklace. The bralette I am wearing here as well is from Free People (click here to buy it) and I adore it! It’s quite delicate and pretty, looks great under slouchy knitwear!

Some beautiful photos of Spring in bloom here in Bath! This always makes me smile!

A snap of Adam and I from February when we went out for Valentine’s Day.

Some yummy food I had at Wagamama with Adam. It really cheered me up as we’d been on a long photoshoot, were starving hungry and my phone battery had died. It’s amazing how food makes things better, ha ha. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my March update! What have you been up to? Lorna xx.

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  1. polarbearstyle
    March 19, 2019 / 10:50 pm

    It sounds like it was a good month. It’s wonderful that spring has arrived where you are. There’s still some snow here 🙂

    Kathrin | Polar Bear Style

    • Lorna
      March 19, 2019 / 11:17 pm

      Yes, I am excited Spring is here 🙂

  2. March 19, 2019 / 10:54 pm

    Hi Lorna

    So many things going on, so many great pictures of you, and the last one here is beautiful. You have incredible eyes!!

    The ones of the bralette tops – do you wear them as day wear? Reason being, you must’ve seen the news story about the girl who was ordered to wear a jacket over hers or be thrown off a flight. I can understand if it was a Muslim country or there was a specific, detailed dress code, but there wasn’t. I like the tops – they’re cute and sexy and for me they’d be ok for day wear.

    I was chatting to a girlfriend today about activewear being worn outside the gym. Again, I think it’s cool, so why not? Some people seem to get really upset about seeing it in public, gawd knows why….. It’s comfortable, stylish and sexy. Some of the patterns and colours of leggings and tops are really creative. The only time I’d have a problem is if the wearer has had a particularly tough work out and not showered!!! Yuk!!!!

    Take care and big hugs

    James x

    • Lorna
      March 19, 2019 / 11:17 pm

      I just looked that story up as I hadn’t heard as I purposely don’t read or watch the news. How stupid is that? She’s clearly clothed and in high waist trousers to go with it, absolutely ridiculous. I would wear some crop tops out in the day, not the lace ones as they’re more evening wear, and I wouldn’t wear the black one without a sweater over the top. Just awful though, poor girl.

      I see nothing wrong with athleisure or activewear either, but people always have something to complain about. I wore the lace bodysuit with jeans and a jacket and people had a go at me for that, I think it’s just a case of people being busy body’s and having nothing better to do. Glad you like my round up though, thank you!

      • March 22, 2019 / 10:29 pm

        Spot on Lorna, haters gotta hate. Sad, but that’s their problem, not ours. I generally think people like that are actually jealous of the person they’re abusing which is also very sad. Never mind, that’s on them. Today I chose to be happy and I’ll so the same tomorrow. I hope you have a lovely weekend

        James x

        • Lorna
          March 24, 2019 / 11:45 pm

          I think it can be jealousy, but also an issue usually within themselves that makes them happy. It’s not my issue. It took a long time to understand that!

    • Lorna
      March 20, 2019 / 1:54 am

      Thanks, Amy!

  3. March 20, 2019 / 11:58 am

    Oh sorry to hear about your wardrobe troubles But so fun you get to plan a new one! 🙂 I am always drooling over the wardrobes in Ikea when I visit, I’d love to have a PAX wardrobe system one day! Currently sharing half the master bedroom wardrobe as hubby has the other half and it is cramped in there, ha!

    Hope your week is going well!

    Away From The Blue

    • Lorna
      March 20, 2019 / 8:06 pm

      They do have some seriously amazing ones there! I can’t wait 😀

    • Lorna
      March 20, 2019 / 8:06 pm

      Thanks, Kathrine!

  4. sundaydahlias
    March 20, 2019 / 6:17 pm

    Sounds like a good month!! Jealous you get to see Shawn Mendez live!!😭 I love your closet space by the way!!


    • Lorna
      March 20, 2019 / 8:06 pm

      Thank you! And yeah, Shawn’s been a favourite for so long, I cannot wait 😀

  5. March 20, 2019 / 7:55 pm

    Hi Lorna,
    You had definitely an interesting month…Can’t wait to see the tattoo. And I like how your wardrobe looks like and also the boots in the photo above you, your mum and your granny. But maybe most glad for you that you don’t mention any major health issues.

    For me no big events in March, but there was one quite annoying though: one of the wiper blades of our car was stolen 🙂 Obviously the thieves weren’t able to detach the other one or it was some act of partial repentance. LOL!
    I didn’t see that as I wouldn’t normally expect it. One day I was at the car service and I asked the guy there to check out the wipers’ rubber as well. He went to the front of the car and said „You do know that you have only one wiper blade, right?“, I replied „Uhhh, uh…no?!“ 🙂

    The „Order“ is a cool movie (I guess you’re referring to the series that was aired about a month ago), although its ending was kind of predictable. This movie has plenty of scenes with my kind of humor like when Randall was referring to Jack’s latest werewolf transformation and him eating a teacher in the process:
    -Sure you don’t want one? (offering him a dipped rib)
    -Not hungry.
    -Right. Ethics professor. You probably filled up on his heart.

    I and my wife are now rewatching „Grimm“ on Netflix. And we both are big fans of „Stranger Things“, so we can’t wait for the third season in July this year. I also find „Black mirror“ (the series!) very intriguing. Every episode presents a different story with a pretty interesting ending 🙂 The weirdest thing though: another favourite show for me at present is the cartoon „The tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir“, thanks to my son now I seem to be hooked on it as well ha ha.
    Take care!

    • Lorna
      March 20, 2019 / 8:11 pm

      Hey! I’m ok on the health front, mostly ok, nothing major to report!
      Yes! I loved that conversation in The Order, it’s a great series. I didn’t like the ending, it was predictable, but also so annoying, so there better be a number two, it can’t be left like that, lol. I haven’t seen Black Mirror or Stranger Things, people keep saying it’s good though, so I will check them out! 🙂

    • Lorna
      March 21, 2019 / 10:42 am

      I hope it will be!

  6. March 21, 2019 / 7:35 am

    I love your tattoo idea. I’ve been wanting one for years but I have such a fear of needles! I’m hoping to bite the bullet this year. I made a promise to myself I mean. I’ve got about 6 that I want to get done!


    • Lorna
      March 21, 2019 / 10:46 am

      Ha ha, I have about 4 I want. I’m severely needle phobic too, but I know tattoos are nothing like injections or hospital needles. You can’t even see it and it only goes 1mm or so into the skin, so I think I will be ok! What are the designs you want?

  7. March 21, 2019 / 8:24 am

    Lorna….you are TRULY an inspiration and a fabulously gorgeous lady….epitome of class and beauty yet so kind and humble. Thank you for being a Goddess on earth!

    • Lorna
      March 21, 2019 / 10:45 am

      Thank you so much, Sis! I appreciate that!

    • Lorna
      March 22, 2019 / 1:15 am

      Thank you!

  8. alimackin2013
    March 21, 2019 / 5:26 pm

    Oh wow I had not heard of either of these shows. I will look them up for sure. I am rewatching the OA to remember everything as the second season is coming out on Friday. It is an interesting series you may like it

    Allie of

    • Lorna
      March 22, 2019 / 1:15 am

      Oh, I haven’t heard of it! I will check it out! Thank you!

  9. March 21, 2019 / 7:56 pm

    Great update Lorna!! I really love to meet your family and boyfriend!!!


    • Lorna
      March 22, 2019 / 1:16 am

      So glad you enjoyed it!

    • Lorna
      March 24, 2019 / 11:45 pm

      Sorry to hear you had an issue too, mine is working now but it was a nightmare!

    • Lorna
      March 24, 2019 / 11:46 pm

      Thank you!

  10. March 22, 2019 / 8:32 am

    Lovely update. I’m glad your grandma is feeling better, I don’t get to see mine as much as I would like either. So I always try to spend quality time with her when I do visit.

    • Lorna
      March 25, 2019 / 12:32 am

      Thank you! I am glad too!

  11. March 22, 2019 / 8:03 pm

    Ahhh that’s why I saw your IG post several times on Wednesday. It makes sense now. Well, enjoy the forced break and I hope they fix it soon. This is a nice life update and love those Max Mara sunglasses. You are brave for getting a tattoo on your wrist and also thinking about one on your collarbone. I went with a couple of friends to see one of us get a tattoo and I was a total wimp! Haha. Biased or not, I still vote for the red bralette! LOL I am sorry to hear that your grandma isn’t doing to well. I hope she feels better soon and precious photo of 3 generations of the women in your family. Wishing you a beautiful weekend and happy Friday!

    Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com

    • Lorna
      March 25, 2019 / 12:33 am

      Oh I am only a little bit worried about the pain, I’m hoping I can handle it! There’s so many ideas I want, ha ha! And thank you for the kind, sweet comment, Maureen! You’re always so lovely!

  12. March 25, 2019 / 12:17 pm

    Love these life updates! Can’t wait to see the new tattoo. I also hope your grandma starts to feel better – it’s so sweet you’re spending time with her. Happy Monday, Lorna!

    xx http://www.qustomquinns.com/blog

    • Lorna
      March 25, 2019 / 2:17 pm

      Thank you! I hope she does too!

    • Lorna
      March 26, 2019 / 11:50 am

      Thank you!

  13. March 26, 2019 / 9:07 am

    Such a lovely post dear! Love your photo with your mom and gran, such a sweet photo with the three of you. Also, those bralette tops look lovely on you!

    Jessica | notjessfashion.com

    • Lorna
      March 26, 2019 / 11:50 am

      Thanks so much!

  14. Steven Whaley
    May 17, 2019 / 3:38 pm

    Ah, this seems to be the earliest post that I’d not yet seen. 🙂 I’ll get caught up with you in chronological order. 😀

    Firstly, it’s surely quite clear that the green bralette top is the superior of the two. Everyone knows that – I mean, it’s green! 😉 😀

    Sorry to read that some of your clothes got ruined. I hope it wasn’t any items that you were particularly fond of. 🙁

    • Lorna
      May 20, 2019 / 1:59 am

      Ha ha, trust you to choose green! I knew you would 😀 And no thankfully I have managed to salvage almost all of them!

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