The Importance Of Beauty Routines At Home

It’s no secret that since Covid-19 hit us all, around the entire world, things have not been the same. They have been increasingly difficult, especially for those of us who are in countries where the pandemic is rife and we’re in lockdown’s. For us here in the UK, we are in our third lockdown, and it means that no beauty salons, hairdressers, shops, restaurants etc. are open, and I don’t know about you, but it’s been very frustrating and difficult on my mental health. Not being able to just pop out for lunch and to browse the shops is an upsetting thing, but not being able to get your hair cut or anything else to make you feel better is even more upsetting to some of us.

This is why it’s so important right now, for our mental health and well being, to focus on our own at home beauty routines, if that’s something you always enjoyed at salons. I know first hand that if I’m taking care of my body and making myself look as good as I can, then I feel a boost of positivity and happiness. There’s something to be said about looking in the mirror and liking your freshly washed hair and seeing how well you did your make-up. It really gives you good vibes and doesn’t make you feel so lethargic and down. It’s funny because people think that wellness and health comes from just eating healthy and exercising, and of course you do get a large amount from that, but taking care of your beauty routine does wonders for your health too (your mental health), because it makes you feel good inside, and we all know that positivity and happiness is a great depression and stress remedy, so it’s something to take with importance.

For me personally, taking time out of my usual week, even if it’s just a couple of hours, to pamper myself, is now high up on my list. It’s funny because in the past, I got a lot of happiness from doing other things, but now that those things are unavailable to me, I’ve realised the importance of self care and how it can impact my mood a lot more. When my hair is done nicely and my make-up is looking good, I feel like a million dollars and that really radiates through in my confidence. So I wanted to share a few things that I’ve been doing to help with that. I’ve partnered with Very on this blog post as they care about wellness and have their own campaign at the moment, focusing on at home beauty. They have a broad range of products and brands, giving you everything you need to feel good, so let me show you what I’ve been up to lately with my beauty routine!

As you can see in the photos, I recently got the Dyson hairdryer that everyone raves about! I initially saw this in my hairdresser’s last year in the Summer, and was very impressed with how it didn’t burn my head (I have a sensitive scalp) and how my hairdresser was telling me it doesn’t hurt her wrist or arm as much from repetitive use because of the design. After knowing all this information, I’d wanted to try one for ages! I can tell you that it’s a great hairdryer! Not only does it look sleek and sexy, but the heads attach via magnet and it’s so easy to use! I love it! It makes my hair feel silky!

I blow dry it as straight as I can, after shampooing and washing, and using a GHD heat protection spray. Then I have the new GHD Rise as well, which gives you a lot of root lift. I hate it when my hair is flat on my head, I always need volume, so I love that the Rise creates some volume at the scalp as it can get right down to the roots without burning your scalp. You can also create some waves with it, but I prefer to use it on the top of my hair, then use my normal GHD Straighteners for the lengths of my hair, to smooth it out. When my hair is bouncy and soft, I can never stop smiling at it! A good hair day is a great day all around!

When trying to replicate a salon treatment at home though, it’s important to be cautious about the products you use. Not all products are created equal, and some may have harmful effects. For example, there’s been a recent rise in hair relaxer cancer lawsuits, highlighting the importance of being well-informed about what you apply to your hair and skin. Taking these precautions can help ensure your at-home beauty routines are both effective and safe.

When my hair is looking good, I love to do my skincare and make-up really well too. I’ve spoken about my skincare routine before, and I use Liz Earle/Jan Marini. It’s important to me to make my skin feel good, and to really look after it. It creates a much better base for make-up! Now I’m no make-up artist or a pro when it comes to getting the celebrity look, as I like to keep my make-up looking fairly natural, but I do like to emphasize my eyes and lips. I use a mixture of Bare Minerals and Benefit. Even if I just want to keep my look really simple, I apply a lot of mascara to my top and bottom lashes, darken my eyebrows, and put a lighter layer of foundation on, so my skin looks smooth, but it creates the appearance of little to no make-up because you don’t have too much on your eyes or lips.

And finally, I love doing my nails! I have always liked doing my nails since I was little, and would spend hours on it. I got this new fuchsia shade from O.P.I on Very, and not only did I realise pretty quickly that it matches the Dyson hairdryer, it’s actually my new favourite shade! It’s so bright and fun! I used to bite my nails a lot not that long ago from stress, but I’ve made a very conscious effort to grow them and make them strong, so they can be pretty! So, even if you don’t want to do a whole lot of beauty routines right now, just doing your nails can have a huge positive impact as you get to look at them all sparkly and pretty! One of my favourite pictures to take is my nails resting on my palm, with a long sleeve knit over a portion of my hand, resting against my jeans! It’s the perfect nail shot! What are some of the at home beauty routines you’re doing? Lorna xx.

*A carefully selected partnership with



  1. February 28, 2021 / 8:44 pm

    I love that nail colour on you! I’m not a big makeup person and it’s too hot and humid to do a lot with my hair most days but I do agree a nice fresh coat of polish can be a real mood booster – my nails are purple at the moment but I really like your fuchsia shade! πŸ™‚ Figners crossed lockdown gets lifted for you soon.

    Hope that you had a nice weekend πŸ™‚ It was a bit hot and humid here but we still managed to get out to the park πŸ™‚

    • Lorna
      March 9, 2021 / 11:20 pm

      Thank you so much, Mica! I am glad you love a good pink polish too! πŸ˜€

  2. Russ
    February 28, 2021 / 11:26 pm

    Hi Lorna

    It’s great that you’re pampering yourself as you deserve it. We all do. Whatever makes us feel good – do it! I think dressing up is a great stress reliever. Putting on say, a lovely dress to go to Waitrose in is an absolute must. It’s great to do and it’s great to see. There’s something that little bit special seeing someone who’s made an effort and taken pride in their appearance. It’s so much better than going out in your pyjamas!!! I really hope everyone that indulged that craze is past it!!!

    Finally, you are absolutely gorgeous in those pictures, definitely πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯° And I love your nails too as purple is my favourite colour.

    I hope you have a great week ahead, big hugs

    Russ xx

    • Lorna
      March 1, 2021 / 8:24 pm

      That would be great seeing people all dressed up at the food stores! I’d love that! I have definitely been making effort when I go out. I’m planning on wearing something smart to the dentist on Friday, ha ha! Glad you like the polish too! Have a lovely week!

    • Lorna
      March 1, 2021 / 8:21 pm

      Yeah! It’s really good!

  3. Amie
    March 1, 2021 / 7:56 am

    Self care is so important during these uncertain times!
    Glad you are taking care of yourself and those new hair styling tools sound lush! Will have to check them out xx

    • Lorna
      March 1, 2021 / 8:21 pm

      So glad you are gonna check them out, Amie! They’re great!

Thanks for your comments =) I read & reply every one =)