I Finally Have Straight Teeth!

Yes! My Invisalign is finished!

I’m so excited to finally share my teeth with you all! I first got Invisalign back in March 2021 and I also did a halfway journey update for you, but now I’m finished! I’ve been under the care of cosmetic dentist, Dr. Rachael Hampton at Aquae Sulis Dental Practice here in Bath, England.

My Invisalign process was supposed to last less than a year, but due to some issues with me being out of the country, and one very stubborn tooth that just wouldn’t budge, it took longer. I lost count of how many aligners I ended up having in the end, as I needed 3 different refinements during the process, but the process isn’t bad at all.

There was next to no pain whatsoever, the aligners are comfortable… it was a fairly enjoyable process to be honest. I will admit that flying overseas and being out all day is annoying with aligners because of having to take them out to eat and then floss and brush your teeth, but I got used to it, and am glad they are finally off. So lets get to the good part!

The Final Process

Bonding – So, as you can probably see, my top front teeth are all in alignment now! They used to be different lengths due to the overcrowding and wearing them down with grinding at night, but bonding (which is enamel like porcelain that is stuck to the tooth) has fixed that. Rachael bonded my front four teeth to all be the same length and a pretty shape, as one of them was slightly chipped.

I will be sharing the process of this in a YouTube video that I’m making which documents the entire process, but it was painless entirely and makes such a difference! I definitely recommend bonding if your teeth are uneven!

Retainers – I also have a fixed retainer on the top 4 teeth and the bottom 6 teeth, as well as a plastic night time retainer that I wear for 12 hours a day over night. Some people can get away with fixed retainers if their arch wasn’t changed, but my entire arch and lots of teeth were changed and expanded, so I have to have a nighttime one that fits over all my teeth as well, to stop the teeth from moving back. This will also stop me from grinding my teeth at night too and damaging the bonding. It was an easy process: the moulds are taken with a clay/rubber like substance in a metal tray and pressed against your teeth until it hardens. This takes a mould of your teeth to make the retainer.

Keeping the fixed retainers clean is fairly easy. You need to use the little brushes that go between the gaps in your teeth, along the gum line. It’s important to do this to dislodge any food that’s stuck. You can floss like normal, and getting your teeth regularly cleaned every 6 months at the dentist is key, along with obviously brushing your teeth with an electric brush twice or three times a day.

Whitening – You may notice that my teeth are whiter too and that’s because as well as bonding and retainers, bleaching is included in the Invisalign package and that happens towards the end of the treatment. You put whitening gel from the dentist inside your aligner trays at night to whiten your teeth. You start with a smaller percentage of peroxide and then use a stronger percentage. I used a few syringes of this as I was slowly whitening due to sensitive teeth, but I’m really happy with the colour. I will need to keep up with this though and regularly whiten my teeth as the bonding matches the new bleached shade and wont get darker like my teeth enamel will.

If you have any questions ahead of my YouTube video that I’m making, please let me know in the comments below! I am happy to answer them! And for those of you looking to see what the process of getting attachments on your teeth looks like (I mentioned these in previous posts), you can see a video of me getting that done at the dentist by clicking here.

This was my first reveal that I shared to Instagram last week!

You can see here just how much my teeth have changed! The left side is before, and the right side is after. Just look at the difference! I can’t believe it!

This was my smile before – it was much smaller and I had larger black triangles at the sides of my mouth. My jaw area also looked smaller, or my mouth in general, so I think Invisalign and widening my teeth arches, as well as filling my mouth out more, has widened my entire smile and I like it more. And now… my actual teeth are below!

The bottom teeth from March 2021 to December 2022

The top teeth from March 2021 to December 2022

The teeth from the front from March 2021 to December 2022

And here are my teeth properly! I love my smile and my teeth now! I can’t thank Dr. Rachael Hampton and Aquae Sulis Dental for my beautiful smile! I couldn’t be more happy! I will say it was so strange looking in the mirror at first and seeing my teeth looking like this! It felt odd with the bonding and them being longer than I’m used to, but it’s really made my smile perfect and you can’t stop me showing them off now! I’ve gone from a girl who would always smile with her mouth closed and feel shy, to someone who is constantly smiling wide with teeth! Lorna xx.

*My treatment had a small discount in exchange for promotion.

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  1. John Cashion
    December 18, 2022 / 10:07 am

    You look amazing Lorna! Especially with the Def Leppard tee 😂🤘❤️😉💋

    • Lorna
      December 18, 2022 / 6:21 pm

      Ha ha, thank you!

  2. Ali
    December 18, 2022 / 2:56 pm

    Wow that’s amazing they look perfect and white. What a transformation x

    • Lorna
      December 18, 2022 / 6:21 pm

      Thanks so much! They do look so good!

  3. December 18, 2022 / 4:30 pm

    You look so beautiful, Lorna! The changes are very obvious, wow. Congratulations on your beautiful smile! 🥰❤️☺️🇬🇧

    • Lorna
      December 19, 2022 / 4:05 pm

      Thanks so much, John!! I’m so glad you think so!

      • December 19, 2022 / 10:44 pm

        You are welcome, my friend! ❤️😎🇬🇧

        • Lorna
          December 21, 2022 / 5:33 pm


    • Lorna
      December 19, 2022 / 1:15 am

      Thank you!

  4. Amie
    December 19, 2022 / 5:04 am

    Thanks for sharing your Invisalign journey with us, Lorna. Your smile looks amazing!

    • Lorna
      December 19, 2022 / 4:04 pm

      Thank you so much, Amie! I’m so glad you think so!

  5. December 20, 2022 / 5:18 am

    It’s great you are so happy with the changes – i think you have always had a beautiful smile no matter what though 🙂

    • Lorna
      December 21, 2022 / 5:33 pm

      Oh that’s really kind of you, Mica 🙂 I guess we all have our own things that we’re insecure about, that other people don’t even notice right? Lol.

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