The Coolest Tiny Studs, Huggies & Ear Cuff Earrings For 2024

The Coolest Tiny Studs, Huggies & Ear Cuff Earrings

I announced to you just before Christmas that I got my second lobe piercings done on my ears, as I’d been wanting that done for quite some time and finally went through with it, so I’ve included some better photos for you which you can zoom in on. I’m contemplating getting a third done at some point too, but while I’m really enjoying my new white gold 3.5mm moons, I thought it would be a good idea to share some of my favourite earrings with you at the moment.

Ear candy (check this inspo) has been popular for quite some time (are we calling it that since arm candy was a trend for so long?), especially during the Summer months when we wear our hair up more, so I have found a mixture of various different tiny studs, huggie hoops and ear cuffs that I think are perfect for 2019 and are classics at the same time! I’m really into the tiny studs as I think they’re elegant and dainty, and I’ve never really been a big fan of hoops, but I love the tight snug fitting huggie hoops a lot as they’re so chic. I think the key to getting it right is making it feminine and matching all your earrings to one another so it’s a seamless blend of silver or gold on your ears.

One of my favourite designers for earrings is Zoe Chicco. I’ve included a few of her tiny studs and huggies in my currently craving wish list posts before, but I came across her jewellery a few months ago and fell in love. I did speak with her a few times and was going to do a small interview with her for you all, but she was too busy unfortunately. When it comes to tiny studs though, she knows how to get them perfect in every aspect! She does moons, stars, hearts, diamonds, jewels… everything, all in white, rose and yellow gold, and you can pair them with the dangling huggies too as they have all the same stud designs as charms on the huggies, which means you can mix and match!

Another brand I am fond of as well that’s a little cheaper as Zoe Chicco does come with a fairly high price tag since she only uses gold, is Shashi and they make most of theirs out of gold vermeil. They have some great designs too and often include rainbow gem stones, so if you like more of a statement look and colour, they can work. One of my favourite places to buy earrings though, other than Shopbop, is from Etsy as they have some of the most unique and coolest ones out there, which I’ve included in my roundup below. In fact, I have a couple of the small silver cuffs coming in the mail from there.

If you do need any recommendations for any of these earrings, I can definitely help you out! I own quite a lot of them, so just let me know! And don’t forget to clean your earrings every now and then. Different materials need different cleaning methods. For instance, if you’ve got brass earrings, you’ll want to use brass cleaning techniques. Keeping your earrings clean not only makes them look good but also helps prevent any skin irritation.

I can’t wait for the summer when I can swap out my earrings and have different ones weekly, and show off the cuffs too with my hair up! I would also love any of your recommendations for earrings! I can only personally wear real gold or sterling silver in my piercings due to having a nickel issue, so if you’re like me, check the metals on the listings first! If you want to buy any, just scroll through the slides below and click the image of the item to purchase. Lorna xx.



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  1. January 6, 2019 / 7:35 pm

    Kudos on getting your second ear piercing! I am such a chicken! The earrings you picked are pretty. I like that it dangles instead of being a stud. I do love the look of ear cuffs. Just bedazzled! I hope your weekend is going well and happy Sunday!

    Maureen |

    • Lorna
      January 9, 2019 / 2:48 pm

      Oh the moon studs were what I chose for my second piercing, you can’t have piercings with anything other than studs when they’re fresh! So glad you like it!

  2. January 6, 2019 / 8:37 pm

    Your earrings are so cute! I don’t have a nickel allergy, but do have sensitive ears so I have to be really careful what earrings I wear. I just wear a small pair of studs 90% of the time, but I do branch out a little now and then and try fun statement earrings – although I can usually only last about 12 hours!

    Hope that the first week of 2019 is off to a great start for you and you are having a nice weekend 🙂

    Away From The Blue Blog

    • Lorna
      January 9, 2019 / 2:47 pm

      I struggle with statement ones too, I don’t like anything heavy in my ears as it’s so uncomfortable and they just get pulled and knocked all the time! 🙂

    • Lorna
      January 9, 2019 / 2:44 pm

      Thank you!

    • Lorna
      January 9, 2019 / 2:44 pm

      Oh how come? Is there a reason?

  3. January 7, 2019 / 10:45 am

    Elegantly simple and stunningly beautiful, these tiny studs are a classic look that will never go out of style.

    • Lorna
      January 9, 2019 / 2:43 pm

      I agree!

  4. January 8, 2019 / 7:11 pm

    Love this post! I’m a big fan of huggies! Those earrings with the stars dangling are so fun and cute! 🙂

    • Lorna
      January 9, 2019 / 2:43 pm

      So glad you like it 🙂

    • Lorna
      January 10, 2019 / 1:25 pm

      Thank you!

    • Lorna
      January 11, 2019 / 1:01 am

      I’m glad!

  5. January 10, 2019 / 6:41 pm

    These earrings look great on you. Very pretty earring options. I love earrings but I struggle with allergies. It seems that anything but silver gets to me. Where it comes to styles, I like all kinds. These simple ones are very cute! There are a few minimalist earrings that I wear occasionally, but sometimes I forget to wear earrings. Congrats on the second piercing. I have two piercings on one of my ears but I can’t remember which one. I hope the second hole didn’t close. 🙂

    • Lorna
      January 18, 2019 / 1:22 am

      Oh I’m so glad you like them! Sorry the other ones don’t work out. Thank you though 🙂

    • Lorna
      January 11, 2019 / 1:02 am

      Yay! I love earrings too!

    • Lorna
      January 11, 2019 / 1:02 am

      Me too!

    • Lorna
      January 11, 2019 / 1:03 am

      Thank you!

  6. January 11, 2019 / 12:08 am

    These are really cute!
    I also made multiple holes in my ears, and I like to use some small and pretty unique shapes (so I don’t look as christmas tree, as my grandma told me once 😀




    • Lorna
      January 11, 2019 / 1:05 am

      Ha ha, that sounds funny! So glad you like them 🙂

    • Lorna
      January 12, 2019 / 4:51 pm

      So glad you like them!

  7. Gabrielle
    January 11, 2019 / 4:20 pm

    I had to take out all of my ear piercings last summer unfortunately, but I love the idea of the huggies – too cute!! x

    • Lorna
      January 12, 2019 / 4:51 pm

      Oh no that’s such a shame! Did they get infected?

    • Lorna
      January 12, 2019 / 4:52 pm

      Yes! I love anything space related!

  8. January 12, 2019 / 6:30 am

    I’m SO into these all right now and they are quickly taking over my amazon and etsy wishlists for months! This post is the push I needed to buy a pair finally! haha xx

    • Lorna
      January 12, 2019 / 4:54 pm

      Oh I’m so glad I could help lol!

    • Lorna
      January 12, 2019 / 4:55 pm

      You too!

    • Lorna
      January 17, 2019 / 1:30 am

      Glad you like them!

    • Lorna
      January 19, 2019 / 7:25 pm

      Glad you like them!

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