The Princess Coat And The Leopard Print


(Coat – Similar, Leggings – Exact, Boots – Similar, Bag – Exact, Scarf – Similar)

This was a really good day to shoot photos! As you know the weather has been near impossible for the past few weeks, so I was really thankful having a good day where the sun was shining for a couple of hours! You may remember this Topshop Burgundy Princess Coat as I’ve worn it a few times before on my blog. I’ve had it for a few years, but it’s still one of my favourite coats! It’s the kind of coat which always gets compliments when I’m out and about and they always want to know where I got it from. It’s always fitted well since the day I found it in Topshop and tried it on, it’s just so pretty! The shape of it is gorgeous as it has a belted waist and a flared skirt, so it’s very flattering. I paired the coat with my Denimocracy Anarchy Knit Leggings in Black Onyx as these are one of my go to leggings for winter. They are thicker and are actually a lot like jeans as they have a button and zip closure as well as back pockets, but are in actual fact leggings. I’ve worn these so often, they are definitely one of my favourites as well!

Now onto the shoes and accessories. I had always loved the amazing Isabel Marant boots with buckles, but they are too expensive for me, so when I came across these black wedge boots in the sale on Zara, I snapped them up! They are close enough in style and even though they aren’t Isabel Marant, surprisingly they are comfortable! The heel height isn’t too high to walk on, it’s just right! I definitely plan on wearing these a lot more when the weather warms up a bit. For those interested, I took a size UK 7 in the boots and I am generally a UK 6, sometimes a 7, so go with your larger size if you like the look of them.

I wanted to liven things up a little bit with my look here (like usual) so I opted for leopard print. I think leopard print works harmoniously with black and burgundy, I have always loved the combination and worn it a lot. I opted for my Topshop Leopard Print Scarf and then my brand new Chooset Bolso Bag in Leopard and Brown. I got to choose this amazing bag from the Chooset website and I absolutely adore it! They are a Spanish bag company with such a unique concept! When I was first introduced to them a few weeks ago, I thought they were so inventive and cool! Chooset actually lets you have interchangeable panels and flaps on the bag! So you can zip off the leopard pieces and replace them with studded brown panels or whatever else you want to buy. I love the fact that you can have two or three bags in one! It’s definitely a money and space saver! I actually wrote about Chooset on my other blog, The Fashion Supernova, and posted a video on how it works as well as more of their styles, so I would love for you to check that out by clicking here. Have any of you tried Chooset before?

On a separate note though, I have had a huge closet clean out and have listed about 50 items in my eBay shop. Some of the stuff I still like, but I don’t have the chance to wear and I need to save up money at the moment, so that’s the reason for listing it. I’ve got brands like Current/Elliott, Paige Denim, Hudson, 7 For All Mankind, Earnest Sewn, Proenza Schouler, All Saints, Topshop, MET, Diesel, Levi’s and so much more! I would love for you to check out my eBay shop by clicking here! Anyway, what do you think of the outfit? Do you like it? Comment and let me know! I’ve also included photos of my boyfriend in this post, so make sure you scroll down!



And this time around I decided to be the photographer for a while and snap some photos of my gorgeous boyfriend. I got this Christmas jumper from ASOS and had intentions of us both sharing it, but I think it looks way better on him since it is a man’s jumper! For the guys interested as well, he’s also wearing Diesel Krooley Jogg Jeans! I know some of you have asked me a few questions before about seeing my boyfriend in more photos than just a few snaps of us together, so hopefully you like these!


Written by Lorna Burford

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  1. January 5, 2014 / 1:55 pm

    you look stunning

    • Lorna
      January 5, 2014 / 2:01 pm

      Thank you Amy!

    • Lorna
      January 5, 2014 / 2:23 pm

      Thank you!!

    • Lorna
      January 5, 2014 / 4:54 pm

      Thank you so much!

    • Lorna
      January 5, 2014 / 4:54 pm

      Thank you 🙂 🙂

  2. January 5, 2014 / 7:35 pm

    What a lovely outfit the coat looks so pretty on you!
    Thank you for your sweet comment! if you like we can follow eachother? let me know! you have an lovely blog!

    X Nora /

    • Lorna
      January 5, 2014 / 7:38 pm

      Thank you! And yeah, we can, just let me know!

    • Lorna
      January 5, 2014 / 8:09 pm

      Thank you so much Heather!

    • Lorna
      January 5, 2014 / 8:10 pm

      Thank you Bella!

  3. ali
    January 5, 2014 / 8:15 pm

    You both look like professional models, such a good looking couple. Your coat Lorna reminds me of Mary Poppins, I dont know why,maybe its the cute little style. Both outfits are really really nice xx

    • Lorna
      January 5, 2014 / 8:16 pm

      Thanks ali! Ha ha, yeah I can see why, I just need an umbrella!

  4. Adam
    January 5, 2014 / 8:16 pm

    I really love that coat on you! Its so pretty 🙂

    • Lorna
      January 5, 2014 / 8:16 pm

      Thank you Adam 🙂

  5. January 5, 2014 / 8:59 pm

    Good day indeed! Look at the beautiful sunshine. Good deal on the boots – they are fantastic. This outfit is a perfect example of how all colors look good with leopard. The outfit is beautifully put-together. Good job!

    • Lorna
      January 5, 2014 / 10:24 pm

      Thank you so much!!

  6. January 5, 2014 / 9:07 pm

    Heelo, dear!
    Thank you so much for leaving a comment on my blog (: It means a lot since I’m new in the fashion blogging world and here in Portugal there isn’t a lot of it.
    And this look of yours is super gorgeous! That plum color of your coat make yours eyes pop out, and I feel in love with your ankle boots! Perfect and minimal, just the way I like it.

    Love, Maria

    • Lorna
      January 5, 2014 / 10:24 pm

      Thank you! I’m really glad you like it!

  7. Jackie Harrison
    January 5, 2014 / 9:07 pm

    Great outfit you look beautiful. Doll I cannot visit as often due to my job I use there computer and if I do not see a comment from my followers its hard for me to visit I cannot use google or bloglovin in my job system if you want me to visit leave a comment and I could go through your link. thanks for being understanding. Have a great week.

    • Lorna
      January 5, 2014 / 10:24 pm

      Ok, no problem! Thanks for letting me know!

  8. David
    January 5, 2014 / 9:59 pm

    Holy damn! 😮

    • Lorna
      January 5, 2014 / 10:05 pm

      Is that bad or good? 🙂

      • David
        January 5, 2014 / 10:06 pm

        Insanely good! 🙂

        • Lorna
          January 5, 2014 / 10:09 pm

          Oh, thanks! Glad you like the coat 🙂

          • David
            January 5, 2014 / 10:12 pm

            Coat? 😮 I meant Adam, looks good

            • Lorna
              January 5, 2014 / 10:14 pm

              Oh wow lol, coming from you? Thanks! He is hot!

              • David
                January 5, 2014 / 10:20 pm

                Well, maybe I meant you, your interpretation 😉

                • Lorna
                  January 5, 2014 / 10:25 pm

                  Or maybe you didn’t 🙂

                  • David
                    January 5, 2014 / 10:38 pm

                    You look beautiful Lorna 🙂

                    • Lorna
                      January 5, 2014 / 10:48 pm

                      Thank you David 🙂 by the way, I got my WordPress report and you won commenter of the year lol by hundreds!

                    • David
                      January 5, 2014 / 10:51 pm

                      Oh really? 🙂 What did I win? A watch? A pair of your jeans? A trip to Bath? 🙂

                    • Lorna
                      January 6, 2014 / 12:25 am

                      Lol, no they don’t give anything.

                    • David
                      January 6, 2014 / 9:25 pm

                      Not you either? 🙁

                    • Lorna
                      January 6, 2014 / 9:45 pm

                      Not me what? 🙂

                    • David
                      January 6, 2014 / 10:21 pm

                      You always give a way things but not to me 🙁

                    • Lorna
                      January 6, 2014 / 10:30 pm

                      You never enter the contests when I do lol!

                  • David
                    January 6, 2014 / 11:00 pm

                    You need to make a contest for best commentor! 😉

    • Lorna
      January 5, 2014 / 10:25 pm

      Glad you like it Kiri!

    • Lorna
      January 6, 2014 / 12:26 am

      Thank you Carola!

  9. Karsten
    January 6, 2014 / 12:36 am

    The coat has this great touch of class and elegance, but still manages to show off and compliment your gorgeous figure so beautifully. Spots of leopard print and your lipstick add some ‘grrrr !’ to the look, and make sure that we remain firmly within the discreetly sexy instead of the more bland ”suburban housewife-on-a-sunday-stroll” look. And this is what makes you so amazing, Lorna.

    • Lorna
      January 6, 2014 / 12:46 am

      Thank you Karsten! That’s really kind of you to say so, you always take a good interest in my choices!

      • Karsten
        January 6, 2014 / 1:39 am

        Lorna, as far as I’m concerned, my ‘good interest’ in your blog is because you’re the uncrowned queen of fashion blogging. There are too many 185 cm tall skinny wannabe amateur ‘models’ out there who want to infuse an empty sense of glamour into their blogs. They feature nice clothes, yes, but lack the personality, and the down-to-earth sweetness (like yours), which could take their blogs beyond mere dress-up and make-belief, and make their postulated ‘passion for fashion’ what it really should be: A celebration of women and their beauty – Like your blog, whether you intend it or not, is a celebration of your very own brand of beauty, as realised thru’ your love for fashion. Commenting on your outfits is a joy and privilege.

        • Lorna
          January 6, 2014 / 1:48 am

          I know what you are saying, it’s kind of you actually. Although I wont lie, a lot of the time I feel like I’m not going to be successful purely for that reason, I’m not tall and skinny or a model, and I can feel that it’s somewhat of a hindrance to my success. I am proud of being who I am, personality wise, I’m very happy with who I have become and my morals and everything, but in the fashion world nobody really cares about you as a person, they only care about you as an image/look. So I sometimes think I might be in the wrong industry lol.

          • Karsten
            January 6, 2014 / 2:22 am

            Suppress your femininity. Get rid of that smile. Look arrogant and like the world bores you. Throw away any notion of a personal style. Join the rat race of fashion and chase the tail of everybody in it, for fear of not catching the next trend or meeting the right people. It’s a business that chews you up and spits you out. But for its own wellbeing, it needs more women of your kind.

            • Lorna
              January 6, 2014 / 2:29 am

              Yeah, I’ve sort of been on the outside of it for many years now. With my job I’m working all the time with fashion clients and PR companies and I know how hard it is and how fake it can be too, I’ve met so many, but there are still some good people in there. But it’s why I think I should maybe try to do something different, not quit blogging, but I mean find my voice and make it in a different way. Maybe more as a personality rather than a fashion genius, I feel like my style is much too classic to be editorial.

              • Karsten
                January 6, 2014 / 2:42 am

                Please don’t quiet blogging anytime soon.
                ‘Loosing’ you just after having found your blog would be such a shame, dear Lorna.
                Nothing wrong with a classic style, if you ask me. I noted a reader comment, asking why you didn’t come up with anything ‘new’ during 2013. This reader seems to have missed the point with your blog ?

                • Lorna
                  January 6, 2014 / 2:52 am

                  Oh no I am not giving up blogging! Don’t worry! I’ve spent almost 4 years on my blog so I’m not about to give it up anytime soon, trust me! I like this little community I have going on here, it keeps me going! I would be so empty without it! Yeah, I saw that comment. I wasn’t sure exactly how they meant it, but I assumed it was because I wasn’t posting any outfits that were wild and new and inventive. But it’s just not me, as you know, I have more of a classic style, but with colour thrown in, I guess that’s not for everyone though. Which I can understand. I suppose if they want to see normal clothes they can just go outside and see them, others prefer to look at fashion blogs as some type of creative outlet to be crazy?

                  • Karsten
                    January 6, 2014 / 2:59 am

                    At least I’m crazy enough to stay up waaay too late to chat with you; and enjoying every second of it. Time for my beauty sleep now, however 🙁
                    Sweet dreams.

                    • Lorna
                      January 6, 2014 / 3:21 am

                      Lol, I’m the same though, it’s 3:20am here! Too much of a night owl! Have a nice night! 🙂

    • Lorna
      January 6, 2014 / 12:36 pm

      Thank you!! I will follow you now!!

  10. January 6, 2014 / 5:55 pm

    Fantastic outfit! Love your coat and booties!
    Thank you for commenting on my blog!

    • Lorna
      January 6, 2014 / 5:56 pm

      Thank you so much!!

    • Lorna
      January 6, 2014 / 8:41 pm

      Thanks! 🙂 You too!

  11. January 7, 2014 / 4:25 am

    Lovely outfit! That coat and bag definitely are winners and u look absolutely gorgeous 🙂

    • Lorna
      January 7, 2014 / 12:12 pm

      Thank you very much! 🙂

    • Lorna
      January 8, 2014 / 11:52 pm

      Thank you Kayla!

  12. January 10, 2014 / 12:21 pm

    I think that coat has been one of my favorites since you first showed it here!! I also love the boots in this outfit, I’ve been loving pointy shoes lately and think I need to get a pair, but I’m on a budget now =P I tried a pair on in Aldo and loved the look though!

    Rosie’s Life

    • Lorna
      January 10, 2014 / 12:24 pm

      The Zara ones were super cheap! They were only 19.99! If they still have them, maybe try them!

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