My Subtle, Yet Stylish Festive Outfit


Merry Christmas Eve! I’m not posting on the actual day, so that’s why I’m wishing you all a very Happy Christmas right now! If you are able to celebrate it, as I know there’s a lot in the UK who are in Tier 4 and aren’t allowed. The times are really hard right now, but I feel like now is the time where we really need to appreciate what we have, the meaning of friends and family, and not taking things for granted. Even just the everyday, simple things like going to the shop, it’s to be appreciated. I also have a couple of posts coming up before December ends, including a roundup of my outfits from 2020, so definitely keep checking back! That will be on the 27th and the 31st!

Now getting to my outfit here, I was wearing my old Topshop Rainbow Metallic Jumper/Sweater (which you have seen before here and here). I styled it with my L’AGENCE Margot Skinny Jeans in Coated Black, as I think this jumper looks amazing with waxed jeans! I then added some festive sparkle with my Jimmy Choo Cruz Boots in Anthracite, and finished it off with my ASOS Western Belt, that I have worn numerous times before.

In the past, I have worn an Elf costume or a Mrs. Santa suit, and even some crazy Christmas jumpers, but this year, I wanted to keep it a little more classy, a little more muted, and more matching of my personality at the moment. The jumper itself is knitted with gold metallic threads, so it actually sparkles really nicely in the right lights, and the crystals on my boots really do gleam under light, so that’s where the festivity comes into play with this outfit here. Plus, wearing coated jeans just adds that extra sheen to everything, much more than a pair of plain jeans would. Have I talked you into this being a Christmas inspired look yet? Ha ha!

I figured this kind of outfit is even appropriate for New Year’s Eve this year, since none of us can go to any parties or kiss anyone at midnight, what’s the point in getting dressed up in a pair of sky scraper heels and a glitzy dress? Absolutely none! Just add some sheen and sparkle to something casual like this, and you’re all set. Speaking of New Year, if some of you are taking time off the internet for the holidays and I don’t see you before 2021 here, have a wonderful new year! Thank you for all of the love you have given me this year and the support through everything. Let me know what you think of this outfit here! I always love reading your comments! Lorna xx.

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  1. Ian
    December 24, 2020 / 12:46 pm

    Hello Lorna a nice look for the day just nicely understated , i though you were wearing leather leggings until i read all of your report . I wish you a happy Christmas and stay safe through out these times take care Ian

    • Lorna
      December 24, 2020 / 11:34 pm

      Thank you, Ian! Yeah, they do look a lot like leather leggings actually! But they’re definitely jeans!

  2. Russ
    December 24, 2020 / 1:02 pm

    As always Lorna, you’re absolutely gorgeous!!! I love your jumper, it’s got great colours that are nice and subtle and your jeans are fabulous, their shine is really eye catching.

    Thanks for keeping your blog updated this year, I know you have had some tough times but you look like you’ve dealt with it so well. So Merry Christmas and the best 2021 to you and yours.

    Peace, love and virtual hugs to you.

    Russ xx

    • Lorna
      December 24, 2020 / 11:35 pm

      Thank you very much, Russ! I’ve tried. There have been many times where it didn’t go so well, but I don’t show those times, just like everyone else. Personal matters etc. So happy you love the outfit! Virtual hugs to you too!

  3. Mary
    December 24, 2020 / 6:53 pm

    Love that sweater on you Lorna 🙂

    • Lorna
      December 27, 2020 / 2:08 am

      Thank you, Mary 🙂

    • Lorna
      December 27, 2020 / 2:07 am

      Merry Christmas!!

  4. December 25, 2020 / 2:21 pm

    thanks for being a great woman that to me is an inspiration to be a better man and always evolve.

    • Lorna
      December 27, 2020 / 2:07 am

      Oh that’s really nice of you! Thank you! How do I inspire you?

      • December 29, 2020 / 10:25 am

        Well, how can I explain? Here’s an example: we meet so many, many people, but few, rivet our attention in an especial way.

        Just think about a time when you saw or meet someone and you felt inspired, motivated, energized, even fascinated because of their energy, personality, or.. something that you can’t explain.

        Maybe It’s an aura, an energy that makes you feel more alive than normal… like “I feel so alive!”. an awakening! it’s like a drug, even though I don’t use it. (maybe chocolate?)

        that’s what I mean. you can name this the way you want – When this happens, this person certainly has a special place in your heart, for your own reasons.

        • Lorna
          December 29, 2020 / 10:04 pm

          I understand! Thank you, that’s actually really nice of you. I appreciate that so much! I hope it continues!

  5. Frogger
    December 26, 2020 / 2:11 pm

    Great outfit 🙂

    Merry Christmas

    • Lorna
      December 27, 2020 / 2:07 am

      Thank you 🙂

  6. January 4, 2022 / 6:31 am

    awesome top you have to wear in winter and the color combination is so much which will look attractive in white snow and the denim you wore also has good quality looking rock this pair.

    • Lorna
      January 8, 2022 / 5:04 am

      Thank you!

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